I just made $267 in my first hour on a new clickbank campaign. In this video I reveal how I did it and give away some awesome …

I just made $267 in my first hour on a new clickbank campaign. In this video I reveal how I did it and give away some awesome …
to see that info is a paid subscription to similarweb…… it's easy to blow your savings on tools
The only problem is that Clickbank is literally full of really poor products, but you know something, if you don't care about the product then obviously you don't care about who you are selling the product to then go for it!
Hello . How do I know that a customer has made a purchase in Clickbank through my affiliate link?thanks for your answer
Um – clickbait title eh mate?
Just uploaded an excellent English tutorial on how to claim a good couple hundred dollars worth of free Google ads credit to get clickbank sales, DEFINITELY need to give this idea a go. Great video!
Big holes in it and yet another tool you have to pay for… are you affiliating that too
Ciao…Ottimo video complimenti!
Volevo chiederti un'informazione.
Ho pubblicato un mio Video Corso su Click Bank e sto cercando degli affiliati per venderlo.
Il video corso lo si trova scrivendo "Siemens PLC", ed è l'unico al mondo su Click Bank proprio perché è una nicchia ancora fresca fresca.
Gli unici competitor sono offline, e io sono il primo in Italia a farlo Online da ormai 2 anni.
Sapresti consigliarmi come posso trovarli?
Grazie mille
Hz. Jesus Christ is not God. neither is Allahu Teala's son. He is one of the Prophets of Allahu Teala and there is no God but Allahu Teala
Please learn the İslam before you die You must be a real müslim (ehli sünnet ) This is very important so that you don't stay in hell forever
Thank you very much Liam!
Sir how to get traffic ?
What would you say is the best way to get started with this? Example, I have £1000 I'm willing to lose to see if this works. I don't want to write blogs or manage sites. Primarily, I want to purchase ad space and hopefully make more than I spend (Enough to actually make a difference – say a mere 5%-10% profit). Is this a legitimate way to make money or is that approach a false hope?
Love your videos btw. Everything is explained very well and there is no "YO YO YO GUYS HERE WE GO! CHECK OUT MY LAMBO" 😀 Keep up the good work.
Dude… VERY thorough… VERY good!
Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest growing industries out there. You can succeed in a very short amount time if you know how. Great video 👌🏽
Im sending traffic to a landng page the click through rate is high hundreds of clicks to clicbank offer but zero conversion.
please could you teach me? step to step guide?
Liam, this is a pretty decent video but I'd say its always better to show them the proof that you really made 267 dollars by showing your click bank account by showing date and time and most importantly how much money you spend. The reason why I told you is because there are so many guys who cheat people out there showing fake results, which are usually screenshot of someone else. What I really liked about this video is the fact that you've used a free tool – similarweb to find out great affiliate products and to find out which ad providers should according to the product. That was just amazing.
He promotes builder all and uses click funnels
I appreciate your strategies….that's Good.
if you used paid services you can make money but free you won't go anywhere
Hello sir, hope you are doing well, I need your favour one of my client wants to buy live marketing guide from India using credit card mastercard, even though he is not ae to checkout, what should I do.???