Today I want to show you how to make money on TikTok with TikTok affiliate marketing and earn as much as $500 to $2000 daily …

Today I want to show you how to make money on TikTok with TikTok affiliate marketing and earn as much as $500 to $2000 daily …
✅Download My Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Guide (It's 100% FREE)
TikTok and Facebook
Thank you
How can I make money on TikTok? If you can’t read right retired I’m 64 years old. I’m not very computer savvy but I do use my phone a lot. I watch a lot of videos and would like to promote certain items can we get paid for that?
Can we make 2 or 3 TikTok acous with deferent niche and use this?
Just tiktok
In the UK. Do you need a VPN to target the US market?
Once i create these videos should i post on tik tok everyday, or every other day ?
Is it also worth posting these videos to YouTube shorts (after taking off the TikTok logo of course!! 😉)
Reached 260k followers on tiktok in 2 months. Haven’t really figured out best way to monetize but this video helped a bunch thank you!
Can you use more than one TikTok account not the same phone?
I liked this it's a great video, the amount of followers on Ticktock is huge, and that's what makes it so powerful, any thanks for making and sharing this, it's really good, I liked your information and the details you gave out, you always give so much more, than the average person, that's what I really appreciate about you. Thank you so much, yours is a powerful channel, with a powerful message, sometimes you inspire me with your ideas. Your subcriber Laura in UK ( I already gave the video a like thumbs up )
i have just one question for TikTok what is the best to target USA, or UK ? im trying it to germany but there is not trafic for that or im doing something wrong 😀 thanks for ansfer
FaceBook Reels
Instagram or Facebook Reels please Alen
Very good tutorial. Have a great day Alen!
This is what I have been waiting for. Thanks, Allen! Keep on.
Tiktok is what I use the most
I think YouTube shorts are probably the easiest. Also maybe you could show us how you do this on a cell phone instead of from your computer ? Because it's a little more difficult to try and do this on the cell phone. Thank you Alan for all your hard work and helping us out! 👍 I'm subscribed and I'm notified 🔔 and I watch all of your videos. But I'm not having much luck trying to do all this on the cell phone. From Huntington Beach California USA Thanks again 👍
any other sites cause clickbank amd digistore do not work in my country?
Hi Alan! Thanks for the video. How would you go about promoting the products on tiktok without having the 1000 followers?
I use YouTube shorts more than I use Tiktok but is it Ok to use both🤔🤔
Most used is TikTok
I believe with the girl example she is a worker of another YouTuber. He should the same tictok
Hi #Alin, sending love from Philippines, thank you so much for giving us your best tutorial…GB.
Hi Alan, can you post the same videos on all 3 without issue? Tik tok, instagram and youtube shorts?
I used link tree and it is free version but I posted it to my medias but not bite yet
I'm life spiritual coach
I want to show my face
Alen this background is better, this is your original one…
You should telling everyone they must have 1000 followers before they can use links just saying
i got a channel on tiktok, providing useful info, but no, 13.8 million people rather watch some guy eating chicken
can we have some real comments please
Can we just reshare a video and provide credit to the creator?
YouTube shorts
Hi Alan. If a person is just starting out on TikTok, would you recommend making 4-5 videos ahead of time before you start your profile so that your profile will get more followers right from the beginning ? Also one more question. Can I add a link on my profile right away or do I have to wait till I have so many followers ? Thanks for all you do for us beginners out here, it's much appreciated !! Edit: I just googled it. You have to have a business account and 1,000 followers to add a link in your bio on TikTok. But on pinterest you can add a link in your bio when creating your business account.
How long will I have access to the Jet Academy course once I buy it is it lifetime access?
Using reels
Hola desde Venezuela que Dios te bendiga
After watching this video right to the end of it, I understood why it is the must-watch video
I can't even put links in my TikTok profile, my views keeps on dropping
ahh right
Lots of love from Pakistan 🇵🇰🇵🇰
You are amazing Alen, thanks hope you are having so so much success what you give to your audience is golden really valuable content. Thank you 🙏