Want to learn how to make an extra $20000 per month doing affiliate marketing? Watch this video to learn exactly how to do that …

Want to learn how to make an extra $20000 per month doing affiliate marketing? Watch this video to learn exactly how to do that …
watched the entire video do you also setup tracking on your website to keep track of all the links or how does that work
more clickbank products with google ads case study video pls
Is it possible for newbies to register for Patnerstack and Impact programs? I tried couple of times but didn't got the approval.
Affiliate marketing is stupid
All junk information
Are you just another guy selling us a course
Buy my course
Thanks a lot your super values for us. I will definitely need to watch another 2-3 times. Before to join the hostinger, would you mind give me some info about the product provider of clickbank? I’m living in Italy, how could I know which product can be delivery to Italy or Asia? Thanks Ivan
I do affiliate in amazon but i want to do it on Google merchant i want to know if it's ok to redirect people in checkout to amazon it's ok with merchant or no
why there is so many never relate comment
Hey brother which was are you drive traffic to your websites organically?
This is definitely my goal!!!
Building a website will work but there's more to it than that. It's a new site so it will definitely not be at the top of Google. Other factors you must consider include backlinks, guest blogging, domain authority, etc.
I hate it when influencers in the online money-making industry show their earnings, but all of it just comes from their personal brand
Paylaşım için teşekkürler. Morelogin kullanıyorum bana yardımcı olmak için ve çok yararlı.
This guy use duckduck go for no tracking but he want to track other people hmmmmm?
Great info Ivan!
You forgot to mention that by "over time" you mean years

Still love ya
it's not that easy, free traffic takes time to build an audience
Great content Ivan just seems so easy, I really wished the chatGPT thing allowed you show us content ideadtion and creation because many like me might have that as a major problem. Moreso, I find that as most gurus always preach about keyword research, google search console, google tag manager, etc. You made no mention of these, are they unnecessary or was the video too short to explain further ? I am an absolute beginner and really love what you teach about affiliate marketing, I really was hoping this beginner training would decipher this blogging for affiliate marketing ambiguity. Thanks
I brought his 2k course putting my all into it
Hey Ivan, I have been following you from a while because I am interested in doing affiliate marketing with landing pages and google ads ppc, and I found your content is very valuable and your informations and guides help a lot, BIG THANKS TO YOU!!!!
Otherwise, I got the notification of this video, and after watching it, I have some questions:
We know that the key of making money on the net is traffic, so if you have a way how to bring traffic, you got it all, and with this method of organic search, you didn’t mention how many time it will take for seeing some people on your website? Also you didn’t talk about google updates, neither about indexing your website is not east at all especially for these high competitive niches, if you can show some successful work you have done with organic search starting from scratch (without using your name), and explain to us how did you do it and how many time it took you to get up there, these things would be wonderful and you can do it for paid ads as well!
Thanks a lot Ivan!

promises are soooo sweeeeet here
Gem of a guy …valuable content
It's not a sostainable business. Google , Facebook and Microsoft don't allow affiliates and will ban you at any moment for no specific reason. Affiliate marketing is great but not in the long run.