In this second video in our make money online playlist, you’ll learn how to add affiliate marketing to your site so you can start …

In this second video in our make money online playlist, you’ll learn how to add affiliate marketing to your site so you can start …
I am interested n I want to get a clear teaching
Is this video still relevant or is there an updated version – really good, thanks 🙂
Thank you a lot. It’s awesome
Please update this. Bluehost is totally different. I purchased it only to find on page one and two and three and four and five and six are completely different. I am lost. I love the tutorial but I'm back where I started. Maybe I'll try the show more button.
i searched in plugin astra starter site, but not getting this result
Very helpful tutorial
Please you didn't show how to use the AAWP plugin
Kindly share with me the next video on how to use that plugin
You are amazing 👍 TKS
The ssl certificate installation is taking quite long . Is there any step that I didn't carry out well?
I can't find the exact Astra theme in WordPress 🤔 it's different
Love this. Thanks a lot for this video
I don't see a way to follow your "security" measures in order to secure my site. Has something changed about this process since you made this video back in 2019? I see no way to "request" this as you say. Please advise.
Thank you ma'am. I need this tutorial because I'm an affiliate at Clickbank. You are very clear in your explanations and specific 😘🙏💘💝
Great info, thanks
Thanks for the video. You are a saint I have spent days looking for a tutorial with similar contents to this. I feel like with just the information you have given me I would be able to make my own fully fledged website.
I can't thank you enough for how usefull your resources are. God bless, take care
Hello there. Would this work on a Chromebook with plugins/plugin extensions go? asking.
At 8:14 SG Optimizer appeared for some time and then gone. What is the problem? Bluehost hosting has SG Optimizer haha.
What if you don't want to use Amazon? Did I miss that part?
Wow best explanation I ever heard, you're a lifesaver, greetings from Saudi Arabia ♥️♥️♥️
Excellent, Thanks a lot.!!
great explanation although what if I dont want to use amazon and how do I get it on my sidebar instead of always dong an article
Thank you 🙂
Really well done tutorial. 🙂
Great Video, thank you
Hello WPBeginner, I really appreciate what you are doing, The video you made about Affiliate Marketing with WordPress is awesome. I want to ask if it is possible to promote products from different affiliate marketers like amazon, digistore24, Fiverr and other in WordPress website?
Thank you this is amazing
Thank you for increased my knowledge… In the beginning I didn't clean all the plugins I jest stated building the website.i would like to ask you now can I delete all the plugins and re start building my website. And once I delete plugins can take it back anytime when I need with out paying…,?
So, I had deleted my privacy policy page and all of the pages actually. Started a new blog. Wanted to know that if I can just add a new page and make it privacy policy page or the contact page etc. ?? Need help here.
Your voice is so soothing…I can’t help but too learn. Thanks for sharing ❤️🤩
I want to promote own affiliate offer
best of the best..explanation, pronunciation, simplification..ur a Master
Starting with affiliate and Amazon.
Thank you so much; keep the videos coming for every aspect of blogging. So much technical stuff, it is just overwhelming.
Can I Install SSL in more than 1 Domain from site ground hosting?
Great starter video!
can i do a https to a free website please answer me if you see my comment
Love , Love LOVE !! this video ! thank you so much !!!!
Is anyone using AAWP? Pricing is only in Euros. Weird.
Great i love it
What if I have my own product from a company other than amazon? Do you have a video for that? Also I saw on the themes a landing page theme. Do you have a video that shows us how to use that? Also do you have a video explaining how to use this for a product that can be a monthly subscription? Like a razor blade product for example (DSC)? Thanks. Great video by the way. Easy to follow
Hello! Just a question, can adding an affiliate link available for those on a free plan? Thanks.
What tools do you recommend to get started?
Such a nicely explained all this things, speechless.thanks
Can you give us another channel in different languages such as Arabic?
Can I use affiliates links in my website or does that causes issues with google AdSense policy ?