Did you know that the actual Skyscanner payout is not based on the advertised flight cost? I believe it's based on their commission – 20% of their payout which is considerally smaller.
Justin i was in affiliate marketing since 2006 and i made good amount of money from dedicated servers niche. I am sure your videos i was watching from past 3 days and watched 4 videos in total to find whats new to learn, i am sure people see success when they take action. Your content is straight forward and ita real. People may use different tools and platforms to generate content to promote affiliate programs.But this is the exact process i did since a long time. I didn't see your other videos yet than the 4 i mentioned. Keep educate preople like me with new opportunities in this digital era. Great love from india.
Bro where who how. Please help. I will work long hours just help me understand. If this works i swear bro whatever your dream is minus hurting innocent people I'll help you make it happen. We will be unstoppable. 😈👺 i mean I'll help others too but muahahahaha! I'm envisioning internet money right now. I believe! Amen! I'm not entirely a bad person but i am a grown child so yes we will do stupid shit for sure. 😂
pour cibler les états unis , faut il que le blog soit absolument en Anglais ou on peut le faire dans sa langue d' origine et google fera la traduction automatique pour les visiteurs anglais ?
Hi, i am from SA and new to this thing and I am so overwhelmed and wanting to master this. Your video in highly valuable and lots of positive content. Thank you, much appreciate.👌
Hey, loved this strategy you have shared. Ever tried Mystrika, though? It is a Cold email tool that helped me quadruple my sales! Their detailed analytics and auto bounce detection are just top class. Would love to see you try it.
How do you complete the add tag section for a Faceless YouTube travel channel. I tried multiple times but its rejected and keep saying Alphanumeric and no special character or space but use comma. Pls help.
Thank you.
So can i still use Ai generated articles?no need to humanize?
Only 🇺🇸 is enjoying this other countries are not enjoying it
Did you know that the actual Skyscanner payout is not based on the advertised flight cost? I believe it's based on their commission – 20% of their payout which is considerally smaller.
also tell me how to share link plzz how to get traffic
Justin i was in affiliate marketing since 2006 and i made good amount of money from dedicated servers niche. I am sure your videos i was watching from past 3 days and watched 4 videos in total to find whats new to learn, i am sure people see success when they take action. Your content is straight forward and ita real. People may use different tools and platforms to generate content to promote affiliate programs.But this is the exact process i did since a long time. I didn't see your other videos yet than the 4 i mentioned. Keep educate preople like me with new opportunities in this digital era. Great love from india.
I'm thrilled by your unique info. Can't wait to start my project following your steps and hope to be able to monetize my channel.
Hi, thank you very much for the vital info.
Can you also create a step by step video on the payment methods associated with your videos.. thank you 💯👍
Ohh. Forgot to say great video!,❤
I am new n have 0 following. So… I should post on YouTube hoping to be on Google as well?
Should i wait for the acceptance of my application to skyscanner before creating a website? btw, great tutorial.
Best affiliate marketing video I’ve watched, thanks so much 🙏✨
Awesome video!
Great video bro ❤
Make one video about Amazon affiliate marketing with faceless YouTube channel
To get commission websites
J'ai été rejeté du programme d'affiliation Impact.
La raison invoquée est la suivante : ne répond pas aux normes MPUA.
Est-ce que quelqu'un sait ce que cela signifie ? Qu'est-ce que je devrais faire maintenant?
Merci pour votre aide
Bro where who how. Please help. I will work long hours just help me understand. If this works i swear bro whatever your dream is minus hurting innocent people I'll help you make it happen. We will be unstoppable. 😈👺 i mean I'll help others too but muahahahaha! I'm envisioning internet money right now. I believe! Amen! I'm not entirely a bad person but i am a grown child so yes we will do stupid shit for sure. 😂
pour cibler les états unis , faut il que le blog soit absolument en Anglais ou on peut le faire dans sa langue d' origine et google fera la traduction automatique pour les visiteurs anglais ?
Justin THANK YOU!!!!!!! You are such a giver and I love your video and teaching. I AM new at this overwhelming but can do. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!
Thank you very informative made $3097 dollars
Hi, i am from SA and new to this thing and I am so overwhelmed and wanting to master this. Your video in highly valuable and lots of positive content. Thank you, much appreciate.👌
How many long tailed keywords should I add to article?
Just watched ur videos and they r very helpful… could u pls specify which blog post Ai u r reffering to
just watched two of your videos. Which keyword program should I join? VIDIO or this magic keyword tool?
Great info thanks will try it out later. When starting out with blogging which website would you recommend for a newbie who has no experience 🤔
Hey, loved this strategy you have shared. Ever tried Mystrika, though? It is a Cold email tool that helped me quadruple my sales! Their detailed analytics and auto bounce detection are just top class. Would love to see you try it.
You should have told us what to write to get approval as an affiliate from skyscanner
You are articulat, straight forward and very precise. i look forward to working withyou. Keep it so.
In affliate marketing the main issues is to gain organic traffic at specific product.
When you want to join Skyscraper you must have first a blog or site with a min. of traffic 5000 monthly! Joining 2-5 Days
This the channel to watch always
❤ beautiful layout. I enjoyed it
Your only strategy is to promote products that will never help us make money, but you are only interested in affiliate commissions for yourself.
Thanks for sharing sir,but l don't have a laptop-only a cellphone.😢😢😢
Great beginner strategy. Thanks for sharing.
Im worried about the blog, will ai just copy it from another blog?
Before I start..has anyone tried this and has actually made money?
its so hard to sign up on impact.commm and get verified right away.
Can i do it from Hungary? Oh and Clickbank not usable in my country sadly.
Thank you for such detail.
Is anyone making money with this
I wanted a good product to advertise on YouTube ads, but these top ones are not good to start with, would you have any advice?
I love your energy man… 😀 I can't stop listening to you. Well done! 🙂
How do you complete the add tag section for a Faceless YouTube travel channel. I tried multiple times but its rejected and keep saying Alphanumeric and no special character or space but use comma. Pls help.
Comment vérifier combien d'argent il y a t-il dans la carte bancaire professionnelle d'entreprise ?
I started to follow the video and boom got denied for impact.
Now what lol