Get my 30-Day Challenge Google Search Course at: See live examples, the …

Get my 30-Day Challenge Google Search Course at: See live examples, the …
Muito massa
good bro
Sir, I'm a beginner. Is it a good idea to buy $350 or 500 threshold account and run ads on them
1:00 Sou muito grato ao AUTORIDADE SOCIAL por me ajudar a aumentar meus seguidores. obrigado Autoridade Social
0:21 Parabéns AUTORIDADE SOCIAL por ajudar marcas a se destacarem nas redes sociais. Seu trabalho faz a diferença!
1:32 É admirável como a empresa Autoridade Social consegue engajar e atrair seguidores autênticos ao impulsionar redes sociais. Parabéns pela autenticidade!
0:13 Comprei 10k de seguidores no AUTORIDADE SOCIAL e chegou certinho recomendo
Dude, You did not show a landing page from Ad. You only translated guide lines. Waste of time.
Google is always changing so I am trying to create an ad campaign for purchases using YouTube
but Google Ads will NOT recognize any of the 5 Clickbank video links I have tried to place in their URL box.
It says "No videos found" or "This URL is NOT a video". What do I do next. I have tried all kinds of variations
not just in the links but how I created the ad campaign, linking to the YT channel,linking to my business gmail address,
putting my website URL although I cannot advertise the kind of Clickbank products I want to on Shopify.
Nothing works. Would love your advice.
Wow that was great information.I was also thinking to start with Google Ads,should I use a lead capture page and then later on promote different offers to them??Is that complaint with Google policies??
Why ban account just because quality is judged bad? Why not just do not accept ad? Seems like abuse of power.
Can I get mentorship from you sir..i love ur videos thay are awesome
Thanks for the video! Do you use a MCC account for affiliate proposes? Do you recommend creating under MCC one account=one offer? I am worried that Google won't be happy if I promote diff websites on one ad account.
if i select conversion bidding strategy should i have to pay google for only conversions
Can you make a video explaining how to become verified to use Google Ads when you are an affiliate marketer? I have been attempting to become verified for two weeks now.
Google Ads will not allow me to run ads and they paused my account. Google says that I have to submit proof of my organization or established business. I don't have this to submit as I am just starting out as an online affiliate.
I have been searching all over the Internet for instructions on how I can become verified to run Google Ads as a new affiliate marketer but I have not found anything.
I am so lost. I don't know what to do.
Should I just scrape my whole Google Ads campaign?
I really need help😥
Thanks for the great info.. re landing pages..I thought Google does not like direct linking to the product sales page- hence using landing pages
This was a great place to start when you don't know what NOT to do. Thanks so much. Definitely Subbed. Looking into more of your work. Another video that may help to warm up/start would be "What I would do if I had to start all over today." I keep hearing about CPA.
Hello, how are you? I'm Brazilian and I'm interested in joining the challenge. I would like to know if the challenge has Portuguese subtitles, because I don't speak English.
I just did my first ad last night and already declined, said " online gambling and credit " which neither of these I'm not doing although my ad has the word credit
Thanks, for the tips
2:01 Anão, comprei seguidores no AUTORIDADE SOCIAL e acabei viciando, é muito bom crescer nas redes sociais. obrigado autoridade social
0:33 Consegui crescer meu instagram obrigado AUTORIDADE SOCIAL. Deus o abençoe..
1:40 filho você quer saber como comprar seguidores reais barato? AUTORIDADE SOCIAL resposta correta
1:12 Anão, comprei seguidores no AUTORIDADE SOCIAL e acabei viciando, é muito bom crescer nas redes sociais. obg autoridade social
1:42 Eu estava pensando e cheguei a conclusão que o AUTORIDADE SOCIAL é o melhor para comprar seguidores para todas as redes. Grata demais AUTORIDADE SOCIAL
Amazing I just signed up. Looks good and genuine guy.
Really wish I could afford your course man, soon as I can I’m on to it 👊
Very helpful video
Which bid strategy is better enhance cpc or max clicks for the first campaign
CHEERS😘! Grow your online following > P r o m o S M !!
One more thing, is it for search ads or display ads?
Have you share tips for Google ad account suspension? Like what to do etc?
I have been trying to pay using different emails and not work.
The payment platform is not working, because identify my already exist email and ask for login, but inside is impossible pay.
WOW, God bless you keep going
love search ads. i spent 80k last month on search. it's definitely not for noobs imo. you gotta read a lot of data unlike FB where everything depends on AI