You Can Rewire Your Body To
Burn Belly Fat And Ditch “Menopause
Belly” For Good!
Menopause is one of the most frustrating times of a woman’s life…
Hormonal changes are wreaking havoc on our body causing all kinds of issues that we didn’t struggle with before.
One of the biggest and most discouraging of these changes is sudden weight gain around the tummy that has earned the not-so-flattering name of…
What’s most disheartening about this weight gain is that it can seem like no matter what you do, no matte how hard you exercise and no matter how drastic a diet you follow…
You see, during menopause is when a woman’s body is actually “wired” to store fat and primarily in the belly.
Before a woman reaches perimenopause…
Body fat is mostly distributed to the glutes and thighs…
Giving you a lovely “pear” shape. However…
During perimenopause and menopause your body changes.
And as your estrogen levels get lower…
Body Fat “Relocates” From The Thighs
And Glutes… To The BELLY.
Which is why you’ll commonly see women in their late 40s and 50s with more of an “apple” shape body.
Here’s what you need to know…
This “belly fat transition” is completely normal. However…
It’s also very frustrating and dangerous to your health.
But guess what? I have some good news…
Some really GREAT news actually!
On this page I’m going to show you how to actually rewire your body and flip this switch so that you can start to naturally burn belly fat and lose that menopause belly. But before I share that with you let me share a little bit about myself…
My name is Tonya Fines and I’m known as “The Menopause Coach.”
Why? Well, because I’ve been working with women just like you for many years now. But most importantly…
I’ve been where you are!
When I hit perimenopause I noticed right away that my body was changing, but I didn’t get too worried about it. I mean hey… I’m a health and fitness professional! I believed that I could not be in a better career or be better schooled to navigate my way through whatever menopause threw at me.
Boy was I WRONG!
I found myself frustrated to the point of tears because nothing I was doing was helping with the weight gain I was starting to experience. And yes… it felt like it was happening overnight and like it was completely out of control.
Suddenly my clothes did not fit… at all! Everything I tried on was too tight and I felt and looked like I was about to pop out of everything. I hated seeing myself in the mirror. I felt ugly, I felt ashamed and I was desperate to turn things around.
Training and exercising 6 days a week was doing little to keep menopause belly from winning the battle. And my diet?! I already followed an excellent eating plan! So what did I do? I started to deprive myself and that just made things so much worse…
I ended up “hangry” all the time and found myself binging on foods that weren’t good for me late at night. I was a in a devastating cycle of exercising to exhausting, depriving myself of good food, then binging on unhealthy foods because I was starving…
Hormones and menopause were winning… I felt like a complete failure. I was no longer me and I knew that all this was taking a toll on my mental wellbeing and affecting my family too.
All this brought me to tears on a regular basis… nothing I did seemed to make any difference and I was losing all hope that anything would. I was drifting further away from people who loved me and basically isolated myself.
I was at the point where I would do and give anything to fell like ME again…. I was willing to do and give anything to have my life back, my energy back and especially MY BODY BACK!
Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?
And I hear stories like this all the time…
I have to tell you… I hear stories just like this, from women just like you all the time…
Frustrated and fed up with trying to live the healthiest lifestyle possible to lose their menopause belly but…
NOTHING works!
So if you’re in the throes of perimenopause or menopause right now…
Please keep reading because I’m going to share with you what completely changed my world and helped me to lose my menopause belly FOR GOOD!
I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to suffer with menopause belly and the frustration and the tears.
Do you remember all those times, when you were younger, and you tried to lose weight… but it didn’t go as planned?
Hey…we’ve all been there.
But as difficult as it was to lose weight back then…
Imagine How Much More Difficult It Is To Lose Unwanted
Belly Fat When Your Body Is Programmed During
Menopause To Store Fat In Your Midsection.
This is not a “friendly” fat.
And not only that… it can jeopardize your health!
Doctors From Harvard Medical School Say
Menopause Belly Fat Can Be Extremely Dangerous To Your Health.
Studies have shown that it can cause type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and more.
AND… being overweight accelerates the aging process AND can make you feel and look much older than you really are.
But do you want to hear something amazing?
You can actually prevent the belly fat takeover from happening…
With ONE SIMPLE protocol…
That takes only 5 days or less. See…
Even though fat distribution naturally changes during menopause…
And fat gravitates towards your midsection more…
It’s Also True That Being Slim And Lean Is A Part Of Your Biology As Well
All you need to do to make having a flat belly as automatic as it wants to be…
Is to activate your body’s built-in mechanisms for burning fat.
I actually used this exact technique to prepare for figure competitions…
To “reset” my body and get lean quickly and safely.
And once the belly fat reset was in full bloom…
I could eat delicious foods without worrying about what it was doing to my belly…
It was truly possible to wake up the next morning looking leaner and feeling so much better and…
Being lighter on the scale…
I didn’t experience any uncomfortable bloating or anything like that. Plus…
My late-night cravings were GONE… it was like they disappeared overnight.
I wasn’t hungry all the time, either… which meant I also wasn’t “hangry!”
My energy levels were high…
And my mind felt incredibly sharp.
Now I have to be honest…
This isn’t some secret I discovered on my own.
It’s been around for a while. In fact…
Johns Hopkins University Gathered More Than 100 Scientific Studies Showing How Effective This Body Reset Hack Is…
And that there is hundreds of years of evidence supporting it.
All I did was formulate it into a SUPER SIMPLE 5 day protocol…
Specifically created to re-adjust the body to use fat for fuel…
Help women in perimenopause and menopause lose stubborn belly fat…
And keep it off as the months and years pass by.
And I want to share this little secret for completely reshaping your body in just days with you…
First Let Me Tell You A Little Bit More About Myself And Why You Can Trust Me…
Tonya Fines, BSC, PE
Board Certified Holistic
Health Practitioner
American Association of Drugless Practitioners Board Certified
Alternative Medicine College of Canada
Like I said before…
My name’s Tonya Fines — creator of The Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol…
A holistic health and wellness brand specifically geared to help women in this transitional season of life…
Have the best menopause experience possible.
Using completely natural and effective techniques I gathered as a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners…
And as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist with the Canadian Institute of Alternative Medicine.
And the reason I’m writing this today because TODAY, is the day that you get to decide NO MORE…
Today is the day you get to make the decision to choose something that is simple, effective and that will help you to get rid of menopause belly…
Giving you your body back!
I would like to share with you this amazing solution for
beating menopause belly…
5-Day Menopause Belly
Rescue Protocol
Inside the 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol I’ll show you how to get your body rewired and recharged in 5 days or less… so you can start burning more fat than ever before just days from now…
Because you’ll completely reboot your brain to use body fat as fuel for energy… so you can get and stay lean… even during menopause!<
Studies have shown this nutrition plan is the #1 fastest way to lose weight and prevent unwanted weight gain for women. And this 5-day protocol will jump-start your path to an easier, leaner and healthier meno-pause.
Inside The 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol You’ll Get…
5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue
Nutrition Plan
C’mon, girl…
5 days is not a long time to stick with a nutrition plan…
Especially one that’s going to rewire your body to burn belly fat around the clock… even when getting leaner and preventing weight gain is the last thing on your mind.
Inside the 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Nutrition Plan, I’m going to take you by the hand… and show you the amazingly simple way to lose belly fat during menopause.
You’ll learn what this protocol is all about… why it works incredibly well… and how to foolproof your results…
So you love the way you look in the mirror each morning… and feel more energized and excited about life than you have in a while.
Plus, you’ll get a complete done-for-you grocery list of all the delicious foods and treats you get to enjoy for the next 5 days!
5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue
Meal Plan
You don’t have to plan a single meal for the next 5 days…
Because I’ve done it for you!
Inside the 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Meal Plan I’ll easily lay out exactly what you should eat and when you should eat for the next 5 days to reset your body and become a fat-burning machine.
Think of how much peace of mind you’ll have not having to figure out a single meal on your own…
And instead, just post this 5 day meal plan on your refrigerator…
Follow along…
And unlock amazing results that make you love your body again… even during menopause!
If following a strict plan isn’t your thing… no worries!
Use it as a guideline, pair it with the grocery list in the nutrition plan, and you’ll get great results that way, too.
5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue
Life After
Wondering what to do after the 5 Days Menopause Belly Rescue is over?
I’ve got you covered!
Inside this helpful resource, I’ll lay out exactly the best way to keep up the fat loss for days, months and years nonstop after the five days are up…
So you can keep the results rolling for as long as you want to…
Without any bumps in the road!
Reset Your Body To Burn Pure Belly Fat In Just 5-Days!
Imagine that…
In just a few days you can watch your belly shrink…
Say goodbye to uncomfortable bloating…
Reset the way your body utilizes fat…
So that it burns automatically even when you aren’t paying any attention…
And while you’re enjoying a bunch of delicious foods you love.
Your energy levels will soar…
Because for the first time ever…
Your body will tap into belly fat as a “fuel source” for better physical and mental performance…
And you won’t suffer from hunger pangs…
Will switch off the “craving center” in your brain…
And so much more.
Best of all…
I Kept The Price Very Low For You…
You’ll get the entire 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol for just $19…
Which is less than a greasy fast food meal for two…
And so very worth your investment today.
Get the 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol today for this special price…
Because I’ve reserved it for women who REALLY want to have an outstanding menopause experience…
And who want to lose their menopause belly for good!
Does this sound like something you want?
Well, I want to make your decision even easier…
Because I so badly want you to experience the rapid fat loss power and weight gain defense shield inside this special protocol…
That I’m going to back you with a no-risk, all-reward guarantee.
“You’ll Love It Or It’s Free” 180-Day Money Back Guarantee…
Meaning if you don’t find the 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol amazingly helpful for improving your menopause experience…
Let me know and you’ll get a full refund on your investment…
And you can even keep the program.
So this really is a no-risk, all-reward opportunity for you that you’ll never see again if you pass it up today.
I’ve put a ton of work into creating The 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol for you… and I’m so confident it’ll be exactly what you need to help you during this transition.
All you need to do is click the blue “Add To Cart” button below and I’ll send an email with this program to you in just seconds.
So please, don’t wait any longer.
The 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol is as done-for-you simple as it gets…
And will deliver unbeatable results…
Giving you a belly you love in no time.
This program is here ready and waiting for you right now…

Regular Price $59
Here is What Women Are Saying About the Menopause Belly Rescue…
Made the Menopause Experience Better for My Whole Family
Thank you Coach Tonya for the nutrition tips and strategies you have provided in the Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol. I felt like I finally had someone in my corner who not only understood what I was going through but who also was able to give me some honest to goodness helpthat actually worked!
The nutrition plan and done-for-you shopping list made it so much easier to get started right away and stick to the plan. I am losing the weight, feeling great and it has made my whole menopause experience better for me and for my whole family.
Holly Summer, British Columbia, Canada
Mother of 3, Grandmother of 5
Gets Right to the Root Issues
Coach Tonya’s expertise in women’s health issues has never ceased to impress me. I have relied on her coaching support at many times over the last several years as I’ve experienced several changes in my body and my health. I have also recommended Coach Tonya to several friends and family members and everyone who has worked with her has been so happy with their results and the attention that she gives to each of her clients.
The one thing that really stands out to me is how accurately she is able to get right to the root of what the issue is and then to come up with strategies and tools that I can use immediately to start feeling better.
Her Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol has made it so simple for me to stay on track because she’s done it all for you already and laid it out beautifully and simply. I’ve lost 15lbs since starting this protocol and have never felt or looked better!
Charlotte Wowk, Edmonton, Canada
Mother of 3, Grandmother of 10
Your Very Own Private Health Coach
I first reached out to Coach Tonya when I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost 7 years ago and I was so impressed with how she helped me through that. When I was in peri-menopause I didn’t have to think twice as to who I wanted to work with to help me again.
Working with Coach Tonya and using the Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol, is like having your very own private health and nutrition coach right in the room with you; she has a way of making you feel like you are her only client and her number one priority.
The Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol has been so remarkable in helping me to lose the unwanted and ugly belly fat I gained when I went into menopause. This protocol also continues to help me maintain a healthy weight and I’m so happy with how I look and fell. Her ability to take my life and my busy schedule and help and create a program like this that is simple to implement and stick with has had a massive impact on my menopause experience so far.
I never believed I could feel this good and keep the weight off. But Coach Tonya had made it so easy with the Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol.
Melinda MacDonald, Nova Scotia, Canada
Mother of 3
Don’t Let Menopause Belly Stop You From Feeling Like You… Or From Feeling Like There Is No Solution …
There is…
Start losing the weight today and start feeling like yourself today…
Get you Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol Today for ONLY $19
Regular Price $59
- “Winning the weight battle after menopause – Harvard Health.” 1 Aug. 2019, Accessed 13 Feb. 2020.
- “Visceral fat: What it is, why it is dangerous, and how to get rid ….” 15 Feb. 2018, Accessed 13 Feb. 2020.
- “Excess body fat accelerates aging – Rogue Health and Fitness.” 26 Jul. 2015, Accessed 13 Feb. 2020.
- “The Expanding Role of Ketogenic Diets in Adult … – NCBI.” 8 Aug. 2018, Accessed 13 Feb. 2020.
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WAIT!!! Save $10 With This Voucher
I couldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t give you one last opportunity to try the The 5-Day Menopause Belly Rescue Protocol for yourself. Use this Exclusive $10 Voucher towards your order (Only 4 vouchers left)
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