And, those are all perfectly NATURAL things to desire. Things most men would aspire to experience.
I also know what it feels like to be the guy searching for answers…
You see, several years back, once I hit my late 30’s, I went through a period where I suffered with terrible sexual performance…
My libido just ‘dried up’…
I’d be out a date with a really wonderful woman, the attractive level would be high, she’d come back to my place… and I’d have almost no desire to have sex at all.
None. I was just interested in the chase.
It was weird. It was like my brain stopped communicating with my penis.
Logically, I knew I should want it.
And, I could see the disappointment on her face when I didn’t. I could see women would start to feel INSECURE because I wasn’t making a move, even though we were getting on great.
Sometimes I’d try to have sex – for the woman’s benefit – and it was a disaster…
I could barely get hard…
I go limp after minutes, or sometimes even seconds… when I was inside her!
The woman would try to ‘help me out’…
which only made the situation worse…
Until, finally, it couldn’t get anymore embarrassing and awkward, and we’d give up.
Eventually I just gave up on my sex-life entirely.
Weird huh?
I teach guys how to date hot women, yet around the age of 40 I went through a period where I almost GAVE UP on having sex. Completely.
Even though I lacked desire, so in some ways it didn’t really bother me that I wasn’t having sex…
It still felt WRONG…
I knew that as a middle-aged guy, I should have a sex-drive, and I should be able to ‘get hard’ and give a great woman a great time in the bedroom, after a great date.
So, after a few months of ‘giving up’ and, if I’m being honest – feeling a bit sorry for myself – I decided to man-the-fuck-up and do something about it…
That’s when I started experimenting with all the herbs and minerals that ultimately became RISE.
RISE was the thing that really gave me my MOJO back…
My desire…
My confidence…
My ability to ‘get hard’… ‘stay hard’… and blow any woman’s mind in bed.
And I gotta tell you – it feels GREAT to be back to my old self.
So, listen. I get it…
You might be at a crossroads with your sexual performance…
You might not know where to turn…
You might have tried what feels like ‘everything’…
You might even have considered giving up…
You might be feeling ‘down in the dumps,’ frustrated, embarrassed, humiliated… you might even be feeling INSECURE or JEALOUS, worried that you’re going to lose your woman because you’re failing to satisfy her in bed.
I just want you to know this…
You shouldn’t give up.
You should do all that you can to fix your sexual performance. Because, as I said earlier – your performance is a sign of your overall health and vitality…
And, it’s also what allows you to experience the most physical PLEASURE you can possibly experience as a MAN…
While also allowing you to give ANY woman you sleep with the kind of physical PLEASURE that’ll make her
to you – even if you’re not her usual type… even if she’s younger than you, and even if she’s way better looking than you.
You see, women aren’t nearly as fickle as men when it comes to looks, or age. Most guys, in their fantasies, want a young, hot chick. But, women end up falling hardest for the guys who are confident and make them feel the best in bed (even if that guy is not in their league; looks wise, age wise and so on).
So, sure, it’s your call…
I just want you to know that… I’ve got your back…
I really want you to get this area of your life handled.
And, based on my own experience – and that of my closest friends and some of my best clients – I can tell you that RISE works…
It delivers great results for men of all ages…
Improved circulation, greater testosterone and lower stress…
Which translates into:
A bigger sex-drive…
Harder, more reliable erections…
The fullest, thickest, biggest erections you’re capable of experiencing…
More “staying power”…
Bigger “loads”…
Increased penile sensitivity and more pleasurable orgasms…
Regular “morning wood”…
And, the best part of all?
When you take RISE, and then take a woman to the bedroom…
They look at you, and treat you, with total RESPECT and ADORATION because you give them sexual experiences like no other man could.
That’s the power of RISE.
So, give it a try, and let me know how you get on. Okay?