Our research shows that successful and famous people live out the universal energies they carry through their numerological BLUEPRINT.
And that there are correlations between certain numbers and certain talents and career choices.
Using advanced software, we have created STATISTICS on over 100,000 successful and famous people in the history of the world. We looked at their Day Vibration, Month Vibration, Year Vibration, Life path Numbers, Names, Vocation chart, Personality chart and correlated the results with their personality traits, career choices and level of success.
And the results are nothing short of astounding…
When we look at the statistics of such a large group of people, we notice certain “trends”, so we can infer that certain innate numbers increase the likelihood of being born with certain talents and abilities.
All numbers have potential for success if you learn to use them correctly. So there are no “good” and “bad” numbers when we talk about innate energies. But it is about the extent to which one is able to pursue the particular TALENTS and unique CODES FOR SUCCESS that one carries in one’s numerological blueprint.
We’ve included some of the most exciting findings in the report so that you can see, for example, how certain of your numbers relate to specific potentials, talents, and career choices. In this way, you can be inspired by some of the world’s most successful people who may have a numerological blueprint similar to yours.