I’m going to start FROM SCRATCH and generate over $10000 with Affiliate Marketing in 90 days or less! And I will be …

I’m going to start FROM SCRATCH and generate over $10000 with Affiliate Marketing in 90 days or less! And I will be …
HIT that like button if you want to see weekly updates!
Hey, thank you. Is there an update video? haven't found any.
Are you going to provide an update to this challenge?
Give it to Charity
Go to his description
the mentor we all needed
Hi Dan, thanks for the video lesson and hope you get big sales and meet your goal with making $10,000! But didn't your domain name cost you money? That didn't cost you a penny?!! Also, you didn't show how you created the web page with what clearly looks like a video and pop up window for the person to type in their email (???). This would have been helpful see. Also, I would have liked to see where and how you got the videos to upload to your new channel. But will be keeping an eye out for the updates to see if you can hit your goal. Thanks again.
It’s not easy… fake gurus..
Bro please make a detailed video on cxonent creation and building landing page everyone struggling there
website/landing page is down, less than 50 followers on insta/tiktok and affiliate offer going to alpilean not metabo.. if Dan can pull this off in 90days in it's current state he's a guru for sure
hii, do you just get the workout videos for content on stock websites like pexels or do you repurpose existing tiktoks
? thank you
Hi Dan, thanks for the video lesson and hope you get big sales and meet your goal with making $10,000! But didn't your domain name cost you money? That didn't cost you a penny?!! Also, you didn't show how you created the web page with what clearly looks like a video and pop up window for the person to type in their email (???). This would have been helpful see. Also, I would have liked to see where and how you got the videos to upload to your new channel. But will be keeping an eye out for the updates to see if you can hit your goal. Thanks again.
Yo DAN ! I need help ! I have everything set , landing pages , email funnel , just no way to get my first sale ! WHAT DO I DO ?!
Hello coach. I hope you really do answer question so i am gonna ask you one and hope for your reply. I am a 20 yo university student trying to learn how to make money of clickbank (affiliate marketing). I know just the basics about clickbank. I started working on it in February saw no results and stopped. One week ago i sold a product making myself $7.72. Now my problems about this are 2. First I don’t know how i can get these money to my account, and secondly to start working on this again i need someone to tell me sites or anything where i can publish my links about my products.
Sir can I do this work from Bangladesh?
Good work dan i will copy everything everyfay for your im also participating this challenge
Hopeful then i earn money or not…❤😊
What website do you use for that marketing link?
Hi! My name is Nastia, FlexCard marketing department – a service for issuing virtual cards for affiliate marketing. Please tell me how I can contact you for cooperation?
Next video?
Bro please tell do i need to purchase subscription of clickbank which comes after 3 step video
Can't wait for the update! amazing content man
where do you get the domain email address for free
Hey there! We'd love to propose a collaboration opportunity. We couldn't find your email on the profile. Could you share it so we can send you the details? Thanks!
Tik tok and Instagram will push your videos for people in your region and people in my region can't buy from the internet i need a way to make the algorithm to push my videos to another regions
Must not be going too well. There hasn't been an update in three weeks.
How many emails do you collect everyday to be successful
This man Best cheater he says he is doing an online marketing course but he just takes the money and does nothing.
Love the intro, lol!!
How to make website set by set??
If i promote 1 product today can i promote another product tomorrow from a different niche or i should stay with only one??
how is it turning 1 cent into $10k when u are purchasing domain
when will we see an update about this?
All the best, learning alot
i dont see the funnels when i click on funnels in system
Bro cannot create account on clickbank due to some errors with criteria… so now what to do
How did you buy your domain name with only a penny?