This video shows you 2 ways to use Facebook for affiliate marketing. Choose one method and start making money with affiliate …

This video shows you 2 ways to use Facebook for affiliate marketing. Choose one method and start making money with affiliate …
very valueable information. these guys are provide in this video
Very interesting, I need more of these
WE ARE IN 2025 not in 2012
anyone who messages me with this crap i block instantly…even if i click on the page or group/ I don't want IMs from anyone I do not know
Will not Facebook banned you for writing a lot people without knowing them?
Great job! Thanks.
how to i prepare my facebook page for affiliiate marketting ?
i mean how can i arrange it to make it look very attractive ?
and how do i creat a landiing page ?
Click bank isn't free
However they will never see the message unless they check their message request
What method do you recommend ?😅
I'm really interested but I don't know how I'd get paid doing that?
The problem is Facebook doesn't allow to make fake accounts anymore. Any attempts to do so is easily detected by them and the account is disabled forever.
Are ATVs a bad choice? 7pm
lol …..
I've used the Q & A tactic for many years and it works for SEO as well.
Do u recommend using your actual fb account or making another? And also why not just follow the groups, make a post w the link and wait for questions or anything else? Just curious.
“If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.” – John D. Rockefeller
Great video but just got bit lost at end with method 2. Did you say about having 2 accounts?
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily." -Zig Ziglar
On mobile
How to make account on click bank