Watch this video to learn different ways to make $10K per month with the free software Canva ✔️ Full-Time YouTube Income …

Watch this video to learn different ways to make $10K per month with the free software Canva ✔️ Full-Time YouTube Income …
We can only estimate their gross sales from enrollments. We don't know what they're spending on marketing, promotion, labor, giveaways, etc. So how do we know how much they're actually making after overhead?
Papua New Guinea
Thank You Mr.Alston but how to make a course if a person has any skill or knowledge? I dont know anything about Canva for example.. and 10 k per month is a lot.. so, idea how to earn 1 k per month would be better.
I have canva and interested in making the money to replace my rent every month but not sure how to get started, like I can be creative an create the images (still working on the videos part, created a couple to a few already on my own channel, haven't uploaded anymore though, but I plan to in the future) but I also would like to do something with the images that I can create with it, any suggestions apart from your recent video?
This sound very doable, but i'm having trouble visualizing parts of it. I could probably figure it out, but I would like a video series where you started this on your own and showed us the steps and progress live you've done before. Those videos are great.
I'm starting to think the only way to make $10K a month is by making videos about other people who are (supposedly) making $10K a month.
Thank you Alston. I will try to monetize with canva
Hii aleston. Thank u from country iran❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks Mr Godbolt