In this video, I am going to show you how to start affiliate marketing with 0 money and 0 experience! I started affiliate marketing …

In this video, I am going to show you how to start affiliate marketing with 0 money and 0 experience! I started affiliate marketing …
Hey. When l tried 15:14 to try and open my affiliate link it led me to clickbank where it says that the service isn’t available or disabled due to terms of service violation. Please tell me how to go from there. Thank you
Does ones location matter
That was really helpful 😌👍
this video by far, was the best I have ever come across re: Affiliate marketing. Everyone else skips steps and kill your time with unnecessary info. This def helped.
Thank you
Dang Alice, that was freaking good. You are a very basic teacher which means you are a great teacher. You know how to break it down to the simple. I came across your site while looking for affiliate marketing tips and I chose yours because of your title. I'm glad I did. EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELLENT!
So do i just copy and paste a link?
Those cute eyes are killing me
Ok are u posting these ads on your personal accounts or did u make accounts strictly for marketing and advertising ?
Squeeze page lol
You’re a godsend!! Thank you for all the guidance!!!❤
I'm so confused so I signed up for $7 with on Instagram with this Chelsea . She's good but there's a catch! You have to buy blueprints for $2500 . I'm not quite sure if I want to continue because I don't have that kind of money. I came across your video and I wanted to know . Do you HAVE to have a sale funnel webpage. I feel so silly because everyone is saying this is so easy !
very good
Why isn’t my link working?
what is an EPC?
I am going to check this out, is there a possibility to get the source code to put it into an automated mailer platform?
Good video
Thought I would also recommend another cool source I've been learning a lot from. It taught me a bunch of great tips and hopefully your other watchers find it useful too 🙂
Thank you so much for this video ❤
How do we pull In customers??? Please help.
Heyy quick question.can I do this as a 15 year old with no experience?
How did you learn?
Thanks Alice your video has helped so much 😊. Just a quick question… I have done everything in your video and already have leads within days but when you reply back to the customer, can you use your normal Gmail account or can you email straight from systemio? If you can use systemio can you give me some information how as its hard for me todo so. Thanks from your newest subscriber James 😊
I literally thought I knew everything until I watched this video. I just want to say thank you and keep it up. I literally learned twice as much in this short video than I did in the last month.
So the money just goes straight to ur bank account ?
Is ClickBank the only way to do this? My country isn’t allowed by them… any alternatives?
Does PayPal work?
In my channel profile in About page you may find a link to a special script course for women to succeed in affiliate marketing. Very unique course focused on women.
thanks so much for the video, it helps a lot! may I know how will you get the money?
Thanks for the info
This is cool and all but how do I actually receive the money? How does the company know how to transfer me money? Which step is that?
Great Comprehensive tutorial!👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
I just wanted to ask how can I know if someone has bought something from the share using my link and how can I get my commission if I don't write the correct address for my bank account
Do you use your own email for the funnel builder
Thank you for this breakdown! Other funnel builders are complicated
say u ur getting traffic finally & ppl are buying frm ur affiliate link, how wld you acc get paid??
I will give it a try on my phone and hope it works because I don't have a computer. Lol.
Thank you so much for this video! I'm currently trying out new things and trying to learn a little bit about affiliate marketing and i feel like if i follow this simple but well put video, i actually have a shot at this. So many people make these types of videos way too hard to understand and this was very straight forward!
Thank you for a well explained video. One question please: for every product we have to do the same steps; new funnel….. etc?
And is there a way to make the link shorter and more reliable for people?
Is there any other way apart from clickband and similar companies?
Can there pay you through Nigeria bank in o