In this video, I have shown you in detail How to start affiliate marketing. This video is aimed at both beginners in the affiliate …

In this video, I have shown you in detail How to start affiliate marketing. This video is aimed at both beginners in the affiliate …
Hi Gerald, I want that you be completely honest and sincere now, this strategy works now in 2025?
Please I need that course please oo
Please for the Skype,what is meant to be there ?
Thank you, Gerald, as always impacting knowledge
Pls I want to have a chat with you
Do you advise one to run ads to this Fiverr affiliate link and blog post for the tone of sales
Thanks Mr Gerald, please I want to ask how much would you recommend that I use in running each ads? Considering that I'm a startup/beginner?
Thanks alot God bless you.
My question is how to receive payment in dollar after completing my job.
Thank you for this video. Is it necessary to have a PayPal account to get paid.
Pls how do I promote this product on Facebook and Instagram
Is Skype ID compulsory when singing up on fiverr affiliate and must I be verified b4 I collect my money on payoneer
Can a digital marketer do affiliate marketing?… I just got to know they aren't the same thing.
Ur video too dey long.
You are the best! Thank you for your selflessness
Can I have your WhatsApp number. I need coaching
Thanks bro i want to know is affliation marketing the same as digital marketing?
Quick question 🤔- Does PayPal pay into Nigerian account???
My problem is traffic.
Am just seeing this now great 👍 I will like to start now.
thanks realy i get more advantage about google ads
Pls 🙏 Gerard, how do I promote products using organic means for a beginner not having money to run paid ads? Pls help me. Thanks.
You haven't made any post about PayPal account and how we can be withdrawing the money
Sir you are one of most sincere person I've gotten to know
Thanks so much bro please how do we get traffic from you tube, Facebook or Google to promote on fiver . I am new in the business. Raphael from Ghana.
Wow nice content it's a full load of knowledge
Please can this video be brake into 2 starting the second one from Go to deep linking for better understanding and to avoid been bured
Please that affiliate marketing course is very important now. thanks
Does this mean i can use other peoples Youtube videos on Medium?
Meanwhile i learnt something new today, i had given up on Quora, banning me and deleting my articles, now i know what to do ie create a landing page on Google sites.
I also did not know that i can promote a whole link of categories/ gigs at Fiverr.
Thanks Gerald, this was a good tutorial!
Thx you gerald how can I get in touch with on WhatsApp…
Hello, a wonderful thing you're doing.. But how can I create a google ads account without paying for anything at the moment ?
Nice one and thank you for the good job you are doing
B:e:s:t t:i:m:e t:o i:n:v:e:s:t o:n c:r:y:p:t:o://b:i:t:c:o:i:n//e:t:c,,,,, i:s n:o:w. C:o:n:t:a:c:t M:r A:n:d:r:z:e:j p:a:w:l:a:k o:n w:a:t:s:a:p +1::(5::2::0::)::2::2::3::9::9::5::9, h:e i:s r:e:l:i:a:b:l:e a:n:d t:r:a:n:s:p:a:r:e:n:c:y
Gerald, you are doing a great job. Please keep it up
Thank you Gerald