This video will show you how to promote Amazon affiliate links on Pinterest in 2023. This is a step by step guide which covers …

This video will show you how to promote Amazon affiliate links on Pinterest in 2023. This is a step by step guide which covers …
I am being told we are not allowed to use the photos from amazon to our pinterest? I am also having issues with when someone clicks on the link it takes people to the web browser and not there app, so they do not order. How do we change it so it will open on there apps?
I can't see site stripe option and there is no product link option under product linking tab
Quick and easiest way to get baned from amazon associates
What if we don't have own website
Thank you for sharing😊
what if i want to post 2 affiliate links for a single Pinterest post how to do that ?
I think you missed one very important step. You have to "disclose" that you are an affiliate and that you earn money on qualifying purchases!
But we can't put Amazon affiliate links directly on Pinterest
I missed something. If you can get the image off Amazon, why make a new image?
Do I need a website or can I just use my pinterest as the website?
Thank for sharing this information.
@knowledgebase why don't you clarify this point in comments, & PIN it, there's a thread of comments on the subject that, using an, "AMAZON IMAGE" can lead to ACCOUNT BAN, and so does using a "DIRECT AFFILIATE LINK" in the pintrest post. Its your responsibility to comment on this as the information in your video directly contradicts this point.
How does Amazon track your earnings from Pinterest? I attempted to add my Pinterest ID number, but I encountered issues.
I have 1 lakh visitors but no one buys any product from my Amazon affiliate links, although these all were trendy and taken from Pinterest trends and search tools.
i got 800 click on amazon wesite of prduts but no sales why
Aloha, This was a great video. Very Simplified! Where do we add the disclaimer on Pinterest pin??
Amazon said we can't share any store links to pintrest, i didn't ask why i just got off the phone with them.
there are better videos that teaches this with the do's and don't's. do not follow this video. u will get ban.
I really appreciate that your videos are shorter than 10 minutes and you give the main points 👍🏻
Please subscribe now everyone
Thankyou so much in a short video explained step by step. GreatTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.
Don't do that! my Pinterest account got banned for using direct affiliate links instead have a landing page in the bio where all the products with links are listed.
Is there a way to do this in bulk?
Can this work if my "deliver to" say one state, but i want to make it an affiliation on other countries too? So, is that part of amazon affiliates, important for buyers from pinterest?
how can i promote products from amazon strait back to amazon?
So easy and straight to the point, thank you! 🫶🏽
I just got my account suspended because i add value to the pin.
Thank you! This helped a lot! Very easy to understand!
I created an Amazon Affiliate account today but I still don't have the sitestripe bar. It is enabled. Any advice?
Please master
Where can I add my bank account details on printerest to enable me receive my payment as an affiliate marketer?
hey Dude,ive watch your tutorial,it was clear and nice,,have a nice day..
When you sign up with Amazon associates, what website do you enter? I have a pinterest account but no other website. What is it looking for? Thx
No nooo. You will get banned putting direct link from Amazon to Pinterest. You need to have your website or blog!! Writing this 6.2024. currently
FYI, you don’t need Canva to upload an Amazon stock photo to Pinterest. Canva is great to use if you are going to enter more than one photo.