Temu Affiliate Signup: https://temu.to/m/u9cymu4ag67 Temu Code: ord52476 Learn how to make $450 today online (FREE): …

Temu Affiliate Signup: https://temu.to/m/u9cymu4ag67 Temu Code: ord52476 Learn how to make $450 today online (FREE): …
I share but am not winning my commission
How do you promote with Temu?.
Why’s the money on hold tho?
Can u make a new video like this? Because I heard: As of now we can only earn temu credit not cash into paypal.
And would like to sign up but i think there sre quite a few changes since this video.😢
I dont have code just links. Why?
Only usa get accepted?
Africans are suffering, there nothing like this on the face of Africa, you have to fight alone no support from the government
i have a temu account and wants to apply for the affiliate program would you mind if i ask how to do that? i was attracted to the offer you've shown in your video heheh
I'm from Indonesia, I can't access affiliate temu. How can I access affiliate temu
Right On!!! I literally tried this. I currently have $373.46 in pending. Been there forever and I reached all of their demands. All of my invite affiliates bought stuff as needed and still nothing
Hi, can someone tell sign me
Help me
More than half of this video is literally just about signing up on repeat.
Does anyone know how long it takes to get the money earned through referrals to be available to withdrawn? How does the referred person earn her first commission? Is this the $5 shown in secondary commission?
can we use Instagram?
take a shot everytime he says "go ahead" lmao
Unfortunatelly Morocco doesn't exist in the list.
Its easy if you have youtube channel and followers. Then its easy to refer people.
So basically all we doing is is getting people to use referral codes and we get money is that correct someone reply to know I’m right ?
A very brazen way just to get a heap of new clients.
For people looking how to do the actual affiliate as far as products go…………. crickets!🙄
You never did brag about how much money you made off of people purchasing the items
you cant use google pay .pay pal has some sort of problem with me I don't even know what the hell there talking about
Hold the phone? You just say you trying to contribute to the building of a Chinese monopoly?
Hi can you make vid tutorial how to add temo catalog produck for facebook marketing , thanks
Has someone bought this method already????
Can you help me out with discord group
more discount afl11514
Great tips, i need to check some of these fb groups
Is this Applicable in Philippines to get Affiliated
Not for everyone
hello sir how to add my Paypal account to temu? thanks for responce
I have a question. I have a personal Instagram account. Should I create another account to post my temu affiliate link and code?
Hello sir, I am from Bangladesh. What can I do from Bangladesh?Please help me.
Can not sign in tomorrow affiliate program. Please fix.
have you ever tried with tiktok ads?
Please sir can I use a VPN
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