“Ah… you know… older…”
Would these be the last four words I’ll ever remember?
As the EMTs rushed me into the emergency room — I realized my husband’s “little white lie”
cut so
much deeper…
Because I knew he was only trying to protect me from the truth…
A truth I could no longer hide from…
I was depressingly overweight…
- My bloated belly made me look permanently pregnant…
- My sausage thighs stretched the seams of my pants to their limit…
- And my neck had disappeared underneath the rolls of my even larger chin…
The thing is, it’s not like I didn’t try to shed some pounds…
The endless workouts, the tasteless diets, and even the expensive hypnotherapy sessions never
worked for me.
But as you’ll see shortly…
My experience that day was the BEST thing that ever happened to me…
Because it led me to discover…
The “Volcanic Slim” Secret Of Hollywood’s Hottest A –
Listers – That Helped Me Lose 32 Pounds of Stubborn Belly
I’ll share all of this undeniable proof from Ivy League universities with you in just a
Plus, how you can use this Hollywood secret from the comfort of your own home (at a price anyone
can afford)…
Alongside the reason why the Volcanic Slim breakthrough can help ANYONE melt stubborn body
No matter your age.
No matter your size.
No matter your “genetics”.
But first, as painful as it is, I need to tell you…
How my husband’s “little white lie” left me lying on the floor,
for breath and clutching my chest…
How my husband’s “little white lie” left me lying on
the floor, gasping
for breath and clutching my chest…
You see, the afternoon started normally enough…
Doing chores…
When my husband casually dropped a bombshell that would (thankfully) change the course of my
life forever…
He told me that he had run into his high school ex- girlfriend Emma, from 28 years ago…
And when I asked him what she looked like now…
He lied straight to my face with those four words “Ah… you know… older…”
But what my husband didn’t know…
Was that I’d already had a humiliating encounter with his ex-high school
sweetheart just days earlier (more on this later)…
And I knew full well she didn’t look “older” like he claimed…
Oh no, she looked smoking hot…
Like “seared in my brain” hot…
So as my husband nervously laughed it off and walked out the door…
My heart filled with fear as I realized why he’d felt the need to lie…
It was because of my 32 pounds of suffocating fat that had been slowly consuming my slim and slender
That’s when my chest started to tighten…
And my vision became blurry…
I tried to take a few deep breaths, but the pain only intensified…
And before I knew it, my body shut down as I collapsed on the floor.
But once again…
I am SO glad that this happened to me, because it would ultimately lead
me to the Volcanic Slim Secret – backed by research from Stanford,
Baylor College Of Medicine, and Cambridge University…
See, the Volcanic Slim Secret is based on a scientific breakthrough that I guarantee you’ve never heard
of before…
Because it has nothing to do with hormones… your thyroid… or some “rogue” gut bacteria…
And everything to do with a specific fat-burning “igniter” molecule found inside every single fat cell
in your body…
That scientists were shocked to discover decreases as we age.
Meaning your fat cells no longer have the spark they need to burn off fat — no matter how hard you diet
or exercise!
But here’s the great news…
The Volcanic Slim Secret I’m about to reveal
today can replenish your igniter molecule…
Turning your fat cells from a damp campfire…
into a blazing furnace… that can burn through
pounds of stubborn fat.
Now, I know this sounds too good to be true…
But please, just give me a few minutes of your time to show you the undeniable scientific
evidence from some of the World’s leading universities…
That has helped THOUSANDS of women, just like you and me, shed pounds of unwanted belly
Drop multiple dress sizes…
And reclaim the body they had in their 20s.
Just imagine the “new you” that will be revealed when all
your stubborn fat melts away…
Think of the looks of jealousy you’ll get from other women at the grocery store…
The glares of admiration from random men as you walk down the street…
And the attention you’ll get from your husband when he sees the slim and sexy woman that he fell
in love with…
In just a few more minutes, you’ll discover the Volcanic Slim Secret that will end your struggle
with stubborn body fat once and for all!
But before I get into it, I should introduce myself.
Hi, my name is Kaylee Burrows
– and if you’ve read this far, I
owe it to you to explain what
happened in the aftermath of
my husband’s lie…
As I lay there on the floor, with tears streaming down my face…
I felt like my life was gradually slipping away from
Thankfully I found the strength to reach my phone just in time to call for an ambulance…
And after arriving at the hospital, the doctors asked if
I had been under more stress recently, or whether anything could’ve triggered my
But I was too embarrassed to tell them the truth…
That my husband’s little white lie about his ex was what caused this near-fatal
Let me explain…
My husband and I had just moved back home after 25 years chasing his career around the
For weeks after the long drive home, my back had been killing me…
So eventually I decided to go see a doctor…
And he referred me to the local chiropractor.
Now, since I’d left all those years ago, I’d gotten married and changed my last name…
And I guess Emma, his ex-high school
sweetheart, had too…
Because I only realized it was her when the door to the chiropractor’s office opened and she
invited me into her office.
I instantly recognized her… because the skinny cow had barely changed from the last time I saw
her 28 years ago!
She was slim…
Her skin was smooth and tight…
And even though we were the same age, she looked 15 years younger than me!
Now, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t instantly jealous…
After all, she was my husband’s ex-high school sweetheart…
But I still managed to crack a smile of recognition…
And that was when it happened…
Emma’s expression remained completely business-like and unchanged…
And at first I thought she was still bitter because I “stole” her boyfriend (she wasn’t the
hot one back then!)…
Until I realized… she simply didn’t recognize me…
And then it slowly dawned on me…
It was because I’d put on so much weight that my pretty, tight face had morphed into a “blob” with
Well, the next 15 minutes were the longest of my life…
As I lay there mortified that she’d eventually recognize me…
While her fingers were knuckle-deep in the folds of fat covering my
By the time I finally escaped her office…
I was so relieved Emma hadn’t recognized me…
And so ashamed…
That I never even mentioned it to my husband.
So he said he’d seen her…
And did that thing men do, where they say the exact opposite of what they’re really thinking…
My mind started racing at a hundred miles an hour…
Was he ashamed of me?
Did he still even find me attractive?
Did he secretly wish he’d stayed with Emma?!
I mean, it had been so long since he looked at me the way he used
And sure, I’d occasionally catch him checking out other women on the street…
But what man doesn’t?
I mean, he still loved me… right?!
I wasn’t so sure anymore — and I could almost feel my heart breaking.
That night, as I cringed at my wobbly rolls of
fat in the bathroom mirror…
I realized I no longer recognized the person
looking back at me.
I used to be so full of confidence…
So full of energy…
But the stubborn fat that had crept up on me over the years had changed all that.
And that old me was its prisoner.
At first, I wanted to cry…
But that quickly turned to rage.
I was sick of feeling sorry for myself…
It had gotten me nowhere…
So that night I vowed I’d take the feelings of shame and use them as fuel to finally fight back
against the stubborn fat that was slowly destroying my relationship… and my life!
And girl, am I glad I did…
Because as you’ll see, it forced me to discover…
The “Volcanic Slim” secret that turns up the heat on your
stubborn fat by reigniting the faltering
fat-burning furnace inside every cell in your body.
See, we all have a fat-burning furnace…
It’s what people call a metabolism…
And it’s why, when we’re young we were able to eat anything and STILL lose weight!
But these furnaces slow down as we age…
Simply because your body stops making one specific, little-known molecule needed to
Which is why, no matter how hard you work out…
Whether you almost kill yourself doing…
Resistance band workouts…
Hot yoga…
or even HIIT training…
Simply because your body stops making one specific, little-known molecule needed to power
Which is why, no matter how hard you work out…
Whether you almost kill yourself doing…
Resistance band workouts…
Hot yoga…
or even HIIT training…
You will never burn off those last pounds of stubborn fat stuck to your belly, thighs, or
But when you use the Volcanic Slim secret to flood your body with this fat-burning molecule,
well, the difference is night and day…
Instead of struggling to lose weight, it becomes effortless..
And you wake up every day looking forward to catching a glimpse of your new sexy figure in the
reflection of every storefront, car window, or mirror!
Seriously, I can’t praise the Volcanic Slim breakthrough enough…
Because it’s the only thing I’ve tried that let me lose 32 pounds of disgusting fat…
And give me the kind of confidence that lets me stride into any clothing store… knowing no
matter which cute outfit I pull off the rack… they’ll have it in my slender size… and it
will look damn sexy on me…
This can be your new reality too…
Thanks to the powerful fat-burning molecule
at the heart of the amazing Volcanic Slim
secret I’m about to share with you today.
How can I be so sure?
After all…
I’m no expert and I have no fancy letters after my name…
But I am a normal person, like you, who knows what
it’s like to struggle with my own waistline…
I’ve felt the pain of yo-yo diets…
The crushing despair of religiously following a meal plan or counting calories for weeks on
Only to hit an invisible wall of resistance for no apparent reason…
And look on in horror as all the weight I worked so hard to lose piles back on.
But there is one huge (yet very simple) difference between you and I…
I was blessed to discover the “Volcanic Slim” secret I’m about to share
with you today.
You see, it was late one Saturday night…
Mark was out at his monthly poker night with the boys…
And I was staring at two very different evenings…
Admit defeat, and order the large pepperoni pizza with cheese stuffed crust I’d been craving for
the last 3 months…
Or, spend yet another night of my life scouring the internet for even the slightest glimmer of
hope in my attempt to lose weight.
But as I sat there, trying to decide whether to add chicken wings to my “finally throw in the
towel” feast…
I started to get this odd, nervous feeling deep in my stomach.
At first, I thought it was just hunger pangs from the excitement of finally eating carbs for the
first time in forever…
But then I realized the terrifying truth…
And it had been staring me in the face the whole
We were the same age… and yet she still looked like the girl I remembered from high
I was going to have to go back to see her… confess who I was… and beg her
to share her secret.
To be honest, just the thought of it made me want to throw up…
But I was at my wit’s end.
I could either humiliate myself again…
Or give up and face the fact I’d be trapped inside this body of fat FOREVER…
And when I thought of it like that, the choice seemed pretty simple.
Little Did I Know I Was So Close To Discovering
The Fat Burning Power Of The Volcanic Slim
Breakthrough… And You Are Too!
So the very next day, I called to book another appointment with Emma.
Unfortunately, she was popular… And the soonest her assistant could get me in was two weeks
Let me tell you, those two weeks felt like the longest of my life…
Every day, the voice in my head tried to convince me this was a terrible idea…
That the only thing waiting for me was yet more humiliation…
That Emma’s only skinny secret was that she hit the genetic lottery
AND that even if she did hold the key to my weight loss
Emma would laugh in my fat face and refuse to help me anyway!
By the time the day actually arrived I was emotionally exhausted…
And as I sat there in the waiting room I just wanted to get up and run…
But then something really strange
As the clock hit 2pm, the time of my appointment…
Emma opened her office door to call me in…
And this time a big smile lit up her face!
At first I was confused… But once I sat down Emma began to
apologize for not recognizing me during my last visit?!
She explained that after she bumped into Mark and he told her he’d recently moved back to town
with his wife…
That she put two and two together because of his surname…
And felt terrible she hadn’t realized it was me.
I was completely taken aback by how sweet she was…
And I guess my nerves suddenly broke…
As the vocal floodgates opened…
And I started to tell her why I really came back to see her while barely stopping to catch my
breath haha.
I told her all about my kids…
How I’d been in a constant battle with weight loss…
How Mark just didn’t seem to look at me the way he used to…
And how I had to know how she managed to stay in such great shape!
By the time I was done, tears were streaming down my face…
I looked at Emma, half-expecting her to tell me that being skinny just
came naturally to her – but instead she told me something
It hadn’t all been plain sailing for her either.
She also had two kids that caused her weight to balloon…
And while she’d initially had some success getting back down to her ideal weight…
The older she got, the harder and harder she found it to drop those last stubborn pounds.
She said it was almost like her body had forgotten how to burn fat…
And one day, when she least expected it, she discovered the
real reason why.
You see, as a chiropractor Emma crossed paths with a lot of natural health and
wellness types…
Naturopaths… alternative nutritionists… meditation gurus…
And that started to make her curious about her own body… as well as her weight
loss struggles…
So she told me whenever she got a spare minute during the evenings or on a
She started to read studies and dive into scientific research from the likes of
Stanford, Harvard and Baylor College of Medicine…
And that hard work was what eventually uncovered…
The Amazing Volcanic Slim Secret that led her to lose 36lbs of stubborn fat… and
take back her youthful, slim college figure!
Well, as you can imagine she had my complete attention…
And that was when Emma smiled and told me she was happy to share it with me…
But if I was truly going to understand…
She needed to explain the science behind it.
Of course, I nodded to let her know I was all ears…
And Emma continued.
That’s when she started to tell me about a molecule called GSH.5
She went on to explain how GSH is found inside every cell in your body…
And how it’s responsible for repairing and recharging those cells…
Keeping them healthy and working as they should.
But here’s where it gets really interesting…
Because she went on to tell me about one of its most important functions…
You see, GSH also provide the ‘spark’ needed to ignite your cells into
fat-burning mode…
And that when you have enough of this spark inside your cells…
It kickstarts your fat-burning furnace and revs up your metabolism, so you can burn more calories…
Now at this point, I must have been looking at her with a ‘deer in headlights’ expression…
Because she smiled and said:
“I know, it sounds complicated – but think of it like a
All your excess fat is the kindling, and the
GSH provides the spark that ignites it.”
I nodded to let Emma know I understood…
And what she said next stunned me…
Because during her research she stumbled upon another amazing discovery…
Your body’s ability to produce GSH drastically decreases as you age.
Emma told me she was shocked…
Because if GSH provides the essential spark that helps our cells burn fat…
And the spark isn’t strong enough because your cells don’t have enough GSH…
Then your cells can’t burn fat as effectively as they used to…
Meaning it would simply continue to get stored on your hips, belly, and thighs instead!
So it didn’t surprise me that the older I got…
The harder it got to lose pounds of stubborn fat…
And it didn’t matter how many times we hit the gym…
Or how many calories we counted…
The real reason you can’t lose that last 15, 20, or 30
pounds of excess fat is because…
Your cells no longer have the spark
they need to efficiently burn fat!
I was speechless.
Emma had discovered exactly why women our age struggle with yo-yo diets that crush our
And leave us back at the same weight where we started… or even worse!
Because No amount of exercise or calorie counting could increase our GSH…
And so Emma doubled down on her research to find out what could.
That was when she stumbled upon a study from a group of top researchers from the Baylor
College of Medicine…
Who discovered that…
Your body needs 3 specific amino acids in
order to create the GSH necessary for your cells
to burn fat.9
These amino acids were called glycine, glutamic acid, and cysteine…
And while we can easily get glycine and glutamic acid from our diets (both are found in
protein-rich foods like
meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and even some protein rich
It turned out the cysteine — the final amino acid needed to make GSH — wasn’t so easy.
By now, Emma had my full attention…
Which is why what she did next caught me off guard…
Because I was assuming she was going to tell me about another study…
But instead she paused as a smile crept across her face…
And then asked me a completely unexpected question:
“Have you ever wondered why America’s hottest A-Listers are able to stay effortlessly slim, all year
I laughed and replied of course I had…
I meant it was impossible not to when every fashion magazine had pages full of their skinny
But what had that got to do with anything?
Emma laughed and simply replied, “Everything.”
You see, once she started to research how her body produced cysteine she stumbled upon a
shocking discovery about many Americans…
That finally revealed the real reason why women like
Emma, me, and you struggle to win the fight against stubborn fat…
And led to her making her Volcanic Slim breakthrough.
Because in order to make cysteine — and
create the fat-burning GSH molecule…
Your body first needs sulfur.
And the only way to get sulfur is through the things we eat…
Because sulfur originates in the soil from volcanic rock.
The plants we eat absorb it as they grow…
And the livestock we eat absorb it by eating those plants too…
But Emma was stunned to discover that sulfur levels in American soil had been dramatically
decreasing for decades…
Because of modern, more efficient farming methods that meant plants were absorbing it from the
soil faster than it can be replenished.10
Emma then explained that alongside this
drop in sulfate, Americans began struggling
with their weight…
When our nation’s soil was rich with sulfur, just 1 in 10 Americans were obese.
But today? 1 in 3 Americans are obese!13
In fact, this drastic drop in US soil sulfur levels…
Even led MIT Senior Research Scientist Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. to state…
Suddenly it made perfect sense.
Less sulfur in our diets…
Caused our bodies to create less cysteine…
And less cysteine meant our aging bodies couldn’t replenish our naturally decreasing GSH levels!
And remember, without GSH our fat cells lacked the spark to fire up our cells into little fat-burning
So if we wanted to turn the heat up to 11 on our fat cells…
We first needed to increase our low cysteine levels!
But wait, I said, what has all this got to do with skinny American celebrities?
Emma smiled…
“You see because they have the financial resources and access to the best nutritionists in the
That provide them with the best organic, sulfur-rich foods available…
And the fact they’re flown to exotic destinations with volcanic soil rich in sulfur (and
the food!)…
They’re able to get the essential sulfur that the majority of Americans are lacking!”
Well, I almost fell off my chair…
But before I had a chance another question jumped into my head…
“If increasing cysteine is the answer to
increasing my GSH levels…
Forcing my cells into fat burning overdrive…
Then how do I increase my cysteine levels?”
Emma told me this was exactly what she started to furiously research next…
She spent hours on research…
Sacrificing late nights and weekends to try and discover how to boost her all important cysteine
Until finally, she hit the jackpot!
Because Emma uncovered an all-natural
ingredient capable of activating the “Volcanic
Slim” breakthrough (without having to eat
expensive organic foods or fly across the
Well, I was about ready to bite Emma’s arm off to tell me what it was…
When she suddenly paused… Reached into her desk drawer… And excitedly pulled out a ziplock
bag full of tiny capsules.
She explained that each of them contained the exact dose of the nutrient…
But rather than take up even more of my time telling me how effective it was…
Emma wanted me to find out first hand.
I was speechless. I’d come to her office a broken woman, expecting her to laugh in my face…
But here she was handing me her amazing slimming secret.
Well, the second she handed me the ziplock bag… She had to reach back into her drawer for a
Because I couldn’t control my tears of joy.
For the first time, I felt a sense of real hope…
A sense that there may actually be a light at the end of my very dark, long, weight
loss struggles…
Of course, I was still skeptical…
Who wouldn’t be after getting my hopes up so many times…
Only to see them crushed by the stubborn fat that refused to let go of its grip on my
body… my sausage thighs… my flabby arms… my wobbly belly.
Emma told me to take two capsules right there in her office…
And then two once a day, every day…
That night I was so nervous I could barely sleep…
Would it work?
Would I finally be free from this suffocating layer of fat crushing my confidence?
How long would it take?
The next day I didn’t feel that different…
Or the day after… And the little voice in my head started to tell me I was wasting my time…
That I was stupid for believing this time would be any different…
That sure, it worked so well for Emma… but I was “different.”
But when I called Emma she was very sweet… And reminded me that my GSH had been low for years… So it
might take a few days…
But to just trust her and stick with it… And girl am I glad I did, because…
The Volcanic Slim breakthrough changed my life!
As the days went by I kept having to readjust my pants because they were slipping down my
Which was kind of annoying… until I realized it was because the rolls holding up my waistband had
gotten smaller…
And when I rushed up to the bathroom to weigh myself that night…
A smile burst across my face…
When the scales told me I had lost two pounds!
The next morning, the second I woke up I just felt like I had more energy…
Like I was lighter on my feet…
And before I knew it, 21bs had become 5…
5 then became 7…
And the crazy thing was, I wasn’t exercising
more… I hadn’t changed
what I was eating…
But the little capsules Emma had given me seemed to be doing their thing…
And I really didn’t want to jinx it…
But the “Volcanic Slim” breakthrough appeared to be working for me too!
As the weeks passed the scales just went lower and lower…
As my reignited fat cells went into overdrive…
Torching away stubborn fat that just weeks ago I was sure would be
stuck to my body for the rest of my life.
Of course, I’m not going to lie…
The thought that it might just suddenly stop working…
That I’d put all the pounds of fat I’d lost straight back on…
Was still there in the back of my mind…
But the weight loss didn’t stop.
What used to be handfuls of fat around my belly shrank down to just finger fulls…
I even found myself digging through my closet to find pants I hadn’t worn since way before my kids
were born…
But now they fit my new slimmer, sexier figure even better!
I could hardly believe the transformation happening right
before my eyes…
I hadn’t looked this good since I was in my early twenties…
And I wasn’t the only one thinking it… my husband could barely keep his eyes (or his hands)
off me! Climbing on the scales became the highlight of my day…
And my friends couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
I never thought I’d get tired of them complimenting my new figure.
Or that they suddenly started treating me like the local weight loss expert.-
And when I shared it with a couple of my closest girlfriends…
And they were having the same amazing results…
My heart was full of joy, knowing I was able to help change my friend’s lives by introducing
them to the Volcanic Slim secret…
But what about all of the other women out there who were still struggling with weight loss?
The ones who woke up every morning and dreaded looking at their bodies in the mirror…
Whose vitality and confidence was crushed a little more every day by unwanted fat?
So when Emma asked me if I wanted another ziplock bag of her
I told her no…
I wanted a barrel of them!
(You should have seen the priceless look on her face.)
At first she thought I was joking…
But once I explained how effective the “Volcanic Slim” breakthrough had been for both me and my
And how there were so many women out there that I knew it could help too…
I saw the lightbulb come on in Emma’s head…
Emma was going to find a way to make enough of the Volcanic Slim breakthrough
to help ANYONE torch the
fat off who wanted to.
So she went back to her network of health and wellness friends…
Because she knew many of them had experience with high-quality natural supplement manufacturers…
And that was when one of them recommended she speak to a company called Nutraville…
After having multiple meetings with them…
She figured they were the perfect fit to help get her “Volcanic Slim” breakthrough into the hands of as
many women as possible.
In fact, I’ll tell you all about how you can get your hands on this breakthrough in just a minute…
But this amazing story isn’t done just yet…
Because once Emma started talking with Nutraville’s team of formulation experts…
Even though her “Volcanic Slim” breakthrough nutrient was a game changer when it came
to burning through fat…
The Nutraville team showed her how to make it even more potent…
Turning up its volcanic fat burning_power up to 11.
So if you’ll give me one more minute…
I’d love to share the exact blend of fat-incinerating nutrients with you right now.
L-Cysteine Hydrochloride
This is the original “Volcanic Slim” nutrient…
And it’s still my absolute favorite…
It’s called L-Cysteine Hydrochloride.
Now, remember, cysteine is what’s known as precursor to GSH…
Which in non-doctor speak basically means without cysteine your body CANNOT produce GSH.
Well, as the name suggests, L-Cysteine
Hydrochloride is an amazing source of cysteine…
Which multiple studies have shown can help restore your GSH levels to those of a much
younger woman… 1819
Reigniting their fat cells… And helping them to burn through fat at the rate of a
much younger woman too!
But don’t just take my word for it.
When world-class researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine gave cysteine to older
women people…
They were stunned to discover…
“The older people go back to burning fat as well as younger people
within 14 days. 20
The head of the study…
Dr. Rajagopal V. Sekhar, associate professor of medicine – endocrinology at Baylor College of
Was so amazed at what they found he even said…
“When we gave these older people cysteine in
their diets and corrected GSH deficiency…
amazingly their fat oxidation also normalized.”
Isn’t that incredible?!
But it doesn’t end there…
Because during a double-blind placebo controlled study (which is the gold standard of
A team of scientists from the prestigious Imperial College London were shocked to discover that
cysteine also…
“Significantly reduced feelings of hunger”…
Which any veteran dieter knows…
Is half the battle when you’re fighting to drop pounds of stubborn fat… and keep them off!
In fact, their data shockingly revealed that…
“Subjects who took L-Cysteine reported
feeling up to 169.23% less hungry than
the subjects who didn’t.” 21
And this incredible “Volcanic Slim” ingredient isn’t just amazing at turning up the heat
your stubborn fat…
Because by boosting your GSH levels…
Cysteine has also been shown to…
Lessen dark spots…
Decrease wrinkle production and increase skin elasticity…
And decreases the puffiness of skin, making it more supple,
firm and able to retain more moisture.22
Lessen dark spots…
Decrease wrinkle production and increase skin elasticity…
And decreases the puffiness of skin, making it more supple,
firm and able to retain more moisture.22
Now you can see why I said it was my absolute favorite!
But this unique, potent “Volcanic Slim” blend wouldn’t be complete without a precise mixture of two
other naturally-derived ingredients…
Because once Emma had spoken with Nutraville’s expert formulation team…
They showed her that there was more than one way to help boost your GSH levels.
No doubt the “Volcanic Slim” nutrient was powerful at increasing them…
But Nutraville’s team proposed a second tactic…
What if they included natural ways to combat the things that were also decreasing your GSH
levels in
the first place?
So Emma and the Nutraville team jumped back into researching…
And that’s when they discovered two new ingredients that could perfectly complement L- Cysteine
By targeting the multiple root causes of low GSH.
You see, your GSH levels don’t just fall with age…
But studies have also shown that cortisol…
The hormone your body produces when you’re stressed…
Also decreases GSH production! 23
But here’s the thing…
Cortisol levels don’t just spike when we’re super stressed…
Everyday stresses like getting stuck in traffic… Or wondering if you’ll have enough to cover this
month’s bills… Or even hoping the grocery store will have everything you need…
Can cause a constant rise in cortisol levels. And let’s face it…
With all the uncertainty in the world right now…
Who isn’t suffering from constant low-level stress?!
Which means just living life right now, trying to get by the best you can, is decreasing your
Well, once the Nutraville team discovered cortisol was another contributor to low GSH…
They excitedly told Emma about the perfect natural ingredient for lowering cortisol (and
boosting GSH)…
Because they knew it had to be included in her “Volcanic Slim” breakthrough.
FAT FURNACE INGREDIENT #2: Withania Somnifera
Used for centuries in ancient Ayurvedic Medicine for its stress-busting powers…
In one study of 58 participants…
Those who took a Withania Somnifera extract for 8 weeks had…
“Significantly reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol compared with those who took
placebo…” 24
And in a second study of 60 people…
Researchers were shocked to find that those who took a Withania Somnifera extract for 60
days had…
“Significant reductions in anxiety compared with those who received a
placebo”. 25
Remember, cortisol produced
from stress reduces GSH…
So this amazing ingredient’s ability to reduce cortisol makes it the perfect partner in any
“Volcanic Slim” formula.
But what’s even more amazing is… In one recent double blind, 8 week randomized placebo-
controlled study…
52 subjects under chronic stress were given either a Withania Somnifera pill or placebo twice
Now, like I said, this was a study for stress… But when the results came back the researchers
were stunned to discover that while the subjects given Withania Somnifera had reduced cortisol
Which, remember, affects your GSH levels… They also showed…
“A significant drop is stress eating tendencies and food cravings.
In fact, so much so, that by the end of week 8…
The group taking the Withania Somnifera had lost up to 105.31% more body weight than the
placebo group!
Isn’t that incredible?!
Which brings me to the third and final GSH boosting ingredient recommended to Emma by the Nutraville
Just like Withania Somnifera…
This amazing “GSH boosting” final ingredient has also been used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine
for centuries.
Back then, they loved it for its weight loss powers…
But today, we have the studies to back it up…
And it turns out, part of curcumin’s fat burning secret…
Is that it’s amazing at boosting GSH levels! 27282930
In fact…
One review, where researchers tally the results of 21 studies that included a total of 1,604
They were stunned to find that curcumin…
“Significantly reduced body mass index (BMI), weight, and
waist-circumference.” 31
The researchers also noted increased levels of adiponectin, a hormone that helps
regulate your metabolism!
And a second 30-day study involving 44 people who were previously unable to lose
Also found that supplementing twice a day with curcumin…
Led to significant reductions in body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist and hip
circumference. 32
Isn’t that amazing?!
Remember, the secret behind Emma’s “Volcanic Slim” blend is that all three
ingredients target the real root cause of your stubborn fat…
By boosting your depleted GSH levels… And sending your cells into fat burning overdrive.
As you can see this blend isn’t some regular “store bought” supplement…
You won’t find them in the pages and pages of copycat supplements on Amazon…
Because each capsule contains only the highest-
quality forms of each of the three powerful ingredients in a very precise blend… optimized for
maximum volcanic fat-burning power!
That’s very important to remember…
Because this unique blend targets the real root cause of stubborn excess fat…
With exactly the right combination of scientifically-backed ingredients…
To increase your depleted, aging levels of GSH… And ignite your cells into
volcanic fat-burning furnaces.
So if you’re anything like me…
I’m guessing you’re thinking… That’s great, Kaylee… So where can we get it!!!
Haha, well, I won’t leave you hanging any longer…
Because even though it took Emma and Nutraville months to perfect the formula…
They were determined to get this amazing Volcanic Slim breakthrough into the hands of as many women as
So they worked tirelessly day and night to make it happen…
And because of their hard work…
They finally had the new and improved formula ready in capsule form…
That ANYONE can take… And… ANYONE can afford!
It’s called…
Remember, Gluta Raise contains the essential amino acid your body needs to refill its aging GSH
And take your cell’s fat burning power from a faltering flame…
Back to the blazing furnace of a much younger woman…
So you can program your body to effortlessly burn through stubborn fat…
No more humiliation of having to shop in the “oversized” section…
No more desperately wishing you could turn back the clock 5 years, 10 year, 20 years before
you let things get this far…
And no more wondering if your partner still finds you attractive (believe me, it’ll be
pretty obvious when he can’t stop bragging to his friends about your tight new body)…
Because the “Volcano Slim” breakthrough at the heart of Gluta Raise will turn all of those can’t
do’s into can do’s…
Putting a new confident step in your stride… And a smile on your face every single time you catch
a glimpse of your reflection or step on the scales.
The Volcano Slim breakthrough can work for anyone…
Emma and I…
And all the other women of every age, shape, size, we’ve helped to burn off pounds of stubborn excess
fat (Without making huge
changes to their diet or how much they exercised)…
Are living proof of it!
And the best part is…
All it takes is just 30 seconds out of your day…
For you to fix the real cause of your stubborn fat… By boosting your GSH levels… Which reignites
your fat cells…
Turning them into the fat-burning furnaces of a much younger woman…
No matter how old you are… How much you weigh… Or how many fad diets and workout crazes have
failed you before!
I get you might be skeptical…
I would be too if I hadn’t seen the incredible results with my own eyes…
(Especially given all of the times I’d tried and failed before…)
But now IS your time…
Because I’ve told you my incredible journey from broken wife to fulfilled life…
So now I’m asking you to take a leap of faith with me…
I promise you, you’ll be so glad you did…
Because in a matter of weeks from now you’ll join me…
And the thousands of other women we’ve helped win their fight against confidence-crushing fat…
Just imagine waking up excited because you can’t wait to step on the bathroom scales (crazy, I
Imagine giggling as you have to tell your husband, “No… No!… I have to get dinner ready!”
because he
can’t keep his hands off your sexy new body… again!
And imagine cursing the day you decided to try Gluta Raise…
Because now you have to spend an afternoon bagging up all the clothes that no longer fit your slim frame
so you can take them to Goodwill :).
What’s more…
Every bottle of Gluta Raise only uses the highest quality natural plant
extracts and nutrients…
And because Emma and I wanted to ensure we cut no corners when creating the Volcanic Slim fat
burning power of Gluta Raise…
We made sure Nutraville was using an FDA-certified, pharmaceutical-grade manufacturing
right here in the USA…
That means zero harsh chemicals and zero nasty fillers… just world-class ingredients to help
fight back against stubborn fat!
So every day you continue your fat-burning 20 second ritual…
Becomes another day you cruise toward your weight loss goals…
First, you’ll notice your pants don’t fit
quite as tight as they used to…
Then they won’t fit at all!
And the next thing you know, your friends will start begging for your secret…
As your work colleagues whisper behind your back about how great you look.
Of course, noticing the glances from strangers in the street will be nothing new…
Except this time they’ll be drooling instead of laughing…
And as your new found figure turns into new found confidence…
People will finally see the real you…
The you that goes anywhere they want, whenever they want…
Safe in the knowledge that people no longer look down on you because of your weight…
But look up to you for your amazing transformation.
Let me tell you… That feeling of pride is priceless. But you don’t take my word for it…
Just ask the thousands of women who’ve reached their ideal weight with the help of Emma’s “Volcanic
Slim” breakthrough… in record time!
I can’t wait for you to add your name to
the amazing list of women who’ve put
their faith in Gluta Raise…
Because until you do…
I fear you’ll stay stuck in the weight-gain spiral that has bounced you from fad diet to fad
diet… And from workout craze to workout craze…
Causing you to hit a weight loss brick wall EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Remember, no amount of willpower to keep sweating, to keep starving yourself, will ever fix the
real root cause of your stubborn fat…
As your cells sizzle like a damp camp fire… Unable to burn the suit of excess fat
weighing down your confidence… your dreams… and any hope you have of a fat-free future.
But there is light at the end of this dark tunnel… My story proves it… And so does the
science- backed evidence I’ve shown you today.
You now have the knowledge to take back your life from
To set your fat burning cells to “Volcanic Slim” heat levels…
To escape your fat “prison”…
To turn every clothing store into a world of cute possibilities… all in your size!
But I have to warn you, it does come at a cost… Because you’ll never be safe from your
husband’s lust-filled gaze again…
And you’ll have to quickly get comfortable with family, friends, and even random strangers in
the Starbucks line complimenting your figure (believe me, it’s tough, but you’ll survive
By now, I hope you can see why I’m so excited… And if you’re excited too… You’re probably
“How can I get my hands on Gluta Raise today?”
Well, the great is…
It’s super easy to secure your own bottles…
But the not so good news is…
We only have a limited number of bottles available today.
I wish that wasn’t the truth, but unfortunately Emma and I are powerless to fight the supply
chain issues plaguing the world right now…
Our manufacturer will ONLY use the highest- quality
ingredients… They don’t want to risk losing their FDA certification…
(And we wholeheartedly support them!)
Which unfortunately means their hands are tied when it comes to waiting for the ingredients from
their world class suppliers.
We hate that it has to be this way…
But it’s the right thing for us to do…
Because we refuse to compromise the fat burning power of Gluta Raise by cutting corners and using
lower quality ingredients.
Unfortunately, with the amount of women around the world who swear by Gluta Raise…
Women who understand the importance of maintaining their daily habit of boosting their body’s GSH
levels to keep the slim figure they’ve fallen back in love with…
And who would do anything to ensure their supply doesn’t run dry…
That means the limited inventory we do have left on our warehouse shelves…
Could run out any day now… if it hasn’t already (you’ll know if there’s a red sold out sign when
you get to checkout).
Last time that happened…
It took months for our suppliers to have large enough amounts of the high-quality
nutrients we need…
So just a heads up…
When you do get to checkout…
Please make sure you invest in a large
enough supply…
Because I would hate it if you made huge gains toward your weight loss goals…
If you finally got a taste of life in your new slim, sexy body…
And all the positive changes
that brought with it… Only to come back and find your newly ignited fat burning cells
Because of a big, red OUT OF STOCK sign…
That could be there for months, as all the stubborn fat you lost slowly reappears on your
thighs, belly, and butt…
While we’re forced to wait on our suppliers before we can make another batch.
Which is why we’ve had to take the drastic measure of reserving the few bottles of
Gluta Raise we do
have left…
For only those most serious about restoring their GSH levels…
And turning back the clock to the sexy, slim body of their youth.
Now, I appreciate you could easily just say that’s you… But I’ve always believed in the honor
And the fact you’re still reading this page shows me you have the dedication to commit to using
Gluta Raise every day…
Because as I’ve said, research shows your body’s GSH levels will continue to drop as you age…
So in order to fight back and win the battle against stubborn fat, consistency is the key…
That’s the cold hard truth, because…
The longer you take Gluta Raise…
The more its scientifically-backed, naturally-derived ingredients will reinvigorate
your GSH
And the better your results will be!
But I can only say that with certainty if you commit to making Gluta Raise part of your daily,
weekly, and monthly slimming ritual.
Can you commit to that?
Wow, okay, I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for you…
Because when I made the same decision I had no idea what a life-changing decision it would be…
But now I know all of the amazing things headed your way…
The excitement of jumping on the scales every morning only to see pound after
pound of stubborn fat
Results that don’t hit a brick wall… but just keep on getting better and better…
So that you can hit whatever dream weight you’ve been dreaming of for so long…
And then set yourself ANOTHER dream weight…
Because you’ll have the “secret” to effortlessly keeping the weight off…
And part of that “secret” is consistency…
Which is why I always recommend my friends secure at least a 3-month
supply of Gluta Raise…
Or even better a full 6-month supply today…
And because you’ve patiently listened to my amazing weight loss story today…
I consider you a friend now…
Which is why I have some great news…
On this page only you’ve qualified for a special “friends” discount.
Because as a friend I want to see you get the best results possible…
But I also don’t want to see you out-of-pocket…
Which could easily happen if you tried to source all of the nutrients I told you about today
Luckily, we order in such large volumes our suppliers give us a discount… And today I want to pass
that discount on to you, friend…
Ensuring you maintain the consistency to make your weight loss
dreams even more attainable.
So on this page only I’m going to offer you an incredible low price that you won’t find anywhere
And this one-time-only discount will also save you even more money…
The more bottles you order today (and we’ll throw in free shipping too!).
We’re going to guarantee your results…
With a 365-day, money back guarantee!
Normally, we’d offer a 90-day guarantee with every purchase…
But because Gluta Raise is in such short supply… and such high demand…
And it makes sense to stock up with as much as you can to start your amazing weight loss
(Not to mention financial sense because of the huge discount that comes with the 6 month
We want you to be totally confident it will work for you. So when you invest in yourself and your
happiness today…
And place your order for Gluta Raise…
We’re going to double that and give you a whole 365-days to make sure you’re nothing but
100% satisfied.
That means that when your bottles arrive in a few short days…
You’ll be able to rip open the packaging…
Pop a bottle open… And take 2 capsules a day… every day…
In nothing but complete confidence… And that confidence will stay with you as the days
pass and you start to notice the change.
In time, your clothes will start to feel looser…
Until you’re digging into the back of your closet to pull out pants that haven’t fit you
since you were a much younger woman..
The flabby belly you hate staring at every day in the mirror will start to
Your arms and legs will look more toned and tighter… And even your face will become slimmer as
the glow returns to your skin…
After one month, your work colleagues will start to ask you about your new “diet”…
After three months, friends and family will start to comment in amazement that you look like a
woman half your age… And for the whole time during those bliss-filled 365 days…
If for any reason you’re not absolutely THRILLED with your transformation…
Simply return your bottles, used or unused…
And you will get a FULL refund.
No matter the reason…
We won’t ask any questions…
You either love how you look and feel each day… or you don’t pay a
single dime.
Sounds good?
Awesome! Then go ahead and choose your money-saving package below…
And say “YES” to restoring the slim and sexy body of your 20s.
Like I said earlier, the LAST thing I want is for you to come back to
this page…
And see a red box saying: “Out of Stock”…
As it’ll take at least 2 months to get the next batch in stock.
So please do not let this opportunity slip by.
Simply click the button below right now and choose the 6- bottle package or whichever package is
right for you.
As soon as you’ve made the selection…
You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page…
Simply fill out the encrypted form with your details…
And we’ll begin processing your order.
Your order of Gluta Raise will then be shipped – and arrive on your
doorstep within 7 business
days from now.
Which means, you’re just 7 days away from taking the first step toward your dream weight… and
your dream life…
A life where your weight no longer holds your confidence (and your emotional wellbeing)
prisoner… but sets you free to enjoy every moment with your family and friends.
Go ahead and make this small investment in your weight loss today… Boost
flagging GSH levels… And harness the fat-melting power of
the “Volcanic Slim” breakthrough.
I hope you consider me a friend by now.
You’ve stuck with me through my amazing weight loss story…
And heard of the exciting evidence that proves the science-backed fat burning potency of the
“Volcanic Slim” breakthrough…
But as you’re still reading… I hope you don’t mind if I get real for a second, like all friends
Right now, you have an important decision to make… Because two very different paths lie
The first path starts when you ignore all of the scientific evidence you heard today…
And decide not to invest in your health, happiness, and future… By leaving without choosing one of
the packages.
That path may sound familiar…
Because it’s the one that brought you here today. It’s a path where you
don’t take control of your weight loss journey…
But instead carry on doing the same thing over and over that got you here in the first place…
While expecting a different result. I should know… Because I chose to walk down it for a long
time too… And every day I hated my reflection a little more…
Go ahead and make this small investment in your weight loss today… Boost
flagging GSH levels… And harness the fat-melting power of
the “Volcanic Slim” breakthrough.
I hope you consider me a friend by now.
You’ve stuck with me through my amazing weight loss story…
And heard of the exciting evidence that proves the science-backed fat burning potency of the
“Volcanic Slim” breakthrough…
But as you’re still reading… I hope you don’t mind if I get real for a second, like all friends
Right now, you have an important decision to make… Because two very different paths lie
The first path starts when you ignore all of the scientific evidence you heard today…
And decide not to invest in your health, happiness, and future…
By leaving without choosing one of the packages.
That path may sound familiar… Because it’s the one that brought you here today. It’s a path where you
don’t take control of your weight loss journey…
But instead carry on doing the same thing over and over that got you here in the first place…
While expecting a different result. I should know… Because I chose to walk down it for a long
time too… And every day I hated my reflection a little more…
Every day I regretted not acting to fight back against my weight
gain sooner (while ironically still doing nothing about it’)
Everyday I worried more that my relationship was falling apart… and that my husband’s eyes would
soon be wandering…
I hated leaving my house in case a comment about my weight from a complete stranger ruined my day…
or even my week…
I cringed whenever I was tagged in my friends photos…
Because I knew people would be looking at me… judging me…
But it didn’t have to be that way… Because there was a second path I only wished I’d known about
A path that pumped the joy back into my life instead of suffocating
Where I could walk tall with confidence, proud of my body for the first time in years.
That path isn’t just for other people…
For lucky people…
For people with “better genetics” or a “faster metabolism”…
Today, that path is open to you too. But YOU have to choose it. You have to grab it with both
hands. And when you do…
Believe me…
You won’t regret it.
Just imagine waking up, energized, excited about your day…
Because you know every outfit in your closet is going to look cute on you as it shows off your new slim
Imagine ordering your favorite foods for lunch WITHOUT having to count calories because you know your
cells will be ready to burn fat whenever you need them to…
Imagine curling up on your sofa to read your favorite book…
Only to feel your husband slip in next to you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear (or maybe even
not-so-sweet nothings about your sexy new body lol)…
And the whole time you feel completely relaxed…
Because the fear of humiliation… of rude comments… of stares… of the store not having that cute
top in your size… are all gone.
That future isn’t a fantasy…
It’s right here within your grasp. All you have to do is choose to take it.
So will you?
It makes me tear up just thinking about the excitement that lies ahead for you when you finally choose
that path…
So I sure hope you do.
God Bless.
We’ve covered a lot of exciting information today…
So I totally understand if there are unanswered questions that popped into your head along the way…
So let me help you make the right decision…
By answering the main questions people ask right now…
Frequently Asked Questions
The “Volcanic Slim” breakthrough behind Gluta Raise is based on cutting edge science from
researchers at Baylor College of Medicine who
the true cause of weight gain was caused by plummeting levels of GSH.
GSH is necessary to “ignite” the fat-burning furnace in our cells. When its levels drop
too low (which happens as we age) those cells can no longer burn fat, so it remains
stored in your cells (and clinging to your butt, thighs, and belly).
That’s where Emma’s “Volcanic Slim” breakthrough comes in. Because every perfectly dosed
capsule gives your body exactly what it needs to naturally boost your GSH levels,
turning your cells into fat-burning super furnaces.
Yes, Gluta Raise is completely safe. Its special proprietary formula is made in a
state-of-the-art GMP compliant facility. So it’s no surprise
thousands of women have reported incredible results… without any side-effects.
It couldn’t be easier, simply take 2 capsules a day to ensure your GSH levels remain
topped up.
Everybody’s body is different, but most people notice changes within the first week.
Once your GSH levels replenish, your cell’s fat-burning potential will be reignited,
burning away the stubborn fat from your belly, thighs… and even your butt.
The needle on your bathroom scales will start to swing in the right direction… and won’t
Your pant size will steadily drop until you have no choice but to hit the stores for a
whole new set of cute outfits.
By three months, your friends and family will be complimenting you… and your work
colleagues will be begging you for the secret that gave you the
body of a woman half your age!
Just order the 6-bottle option for the greatest savings (Plus free shipping!). And don’t
forget, every order comes with our 365 day risk-free
no-questions-asked guarantee!
First, make a commitment to yourself that you’re finally going to defeat your stubborn
fat! Then the rest is easy 🙂
Simply choose the package that’s right for you below (don’t forget, the biggest discounts
are reserved for the 6- and 3-month bottle options…
Then you’ll be taken to a secure order form where you can submit your payment
As soon as we receive your order, we’ll get your bottles of
the Gluta Raise in the post that same day. You can expect to receive it in 7
Didn’t I say it was simple? 🙂
Now invest in yourself and your happiness, we believe in you!