A great way to get rid of clutter and make extra cash
Garage sales, yard sales, etc. are a great way to get rid of clutter and make extra cash — for whatever you like.
Unfortunately, most people work way too hard for too little money from their garage sales.
That’s why I often hear, “Garage sales are a pain.” “I don’t have the time.” “Nobody shows up.” “I never make much
money — it just isn’t worth it.”
I was in that same boat too!
Years ago, when I held my first few garage sales, I felt the same way.
It was a lot of work. It was frustrating, and I
didn’t feel we made nearly enough money to
make up for all the work.
Luckily, because I’m a professional organzier
who understands that there is always a better
way, I began to do some research. I knew that
the key was more effective systems and tools.
But I didn’t know what those better systems and
tools were.
So I read everything I could find about planning
and profiting from garage sales.
I also looked for ‘experts’ who held incredibly
successful garage sales and I learned their
I spent a good six months pulling together all the best planning, promoting and profiting secrets I could find. And I
tested each one to make sure they worked.
Finally I had the special formula. I had the systems and tools that I knew worked–and made a lot more sales!
Recently my 11-year-old daughter wanted to make some extra money to put towards her first iPhone. We told her we
would pay for half, but she would have to earn the other half.
She immediately said, “I’ll just hold a garage sale to sell all the stuff I don’t use or play with anymore.”
I helped her apply the systems and tools I had compiled, but she followed the simple checklists and the steps and
within a matter of days she was ready to hold her sale.
I was so proud of her. After two days, she had raised enough money from her very first garage sale to get her
iPhone. She earned it. And now she knows how it works. Now she loves garage sales.
My name is Maria Gracia and I have some important information for you today about how to
get rid of your clutter and end up with more cash in your pocket. It’s being done every day
with garage sales that are done the RIGHT way.
There are two major reasons to hold a garage sale:
1. Declutter your home or office
2. Make extra money
Have you ever worked hard at putting together a garage sale only to end up with a fraction of
the buyers and sales you had hoped for? I bet you asked yourself if it was really worth all the time, effort and
expense. That can be frustrating.
I and thousands of others have experienced those same poor results — in the past.
But I’ve seen others whose garage sale profits blew me away. I know one young mom who regularly makes $500 –
$800 at each of her garage sales, and I know many others who make even more.
I’ve even read about one person who made over $2500 on one 3-day garage sale. Now I’ll be the first to admit
that’s an unusual example. But I just mention it to show you what can be achieved when you have really well
designed and effective systems and tools for Planning, Promoting and Profiting from your garage sales. The results
can be exciting and rewarding.
The Get Organized Now!
Finally, a proven Garage Sale Toolkit that can help make you maximum money every time!
“The methods shown in the Garage Sale Toolkit
have helped people sell $500, $750, even $1,000+
at their Garage Sales — and it can help you do the same.
Or I’ll give you your money back!” — Maria Gracia
From the Desk of Maria Gracia
Who am I and why should you listen to me?
How can I help you plan, promote and profit from your garage sales?
It’s all about using the most effective systems and tools
I’ve spent the past few decades as a successful business owner and professional organizer
who teaches people how to achieve what they want through more effective organizing
ideas, systems and tools.
It’s just natural that I would search for and develop more effective systems and tools for
everything that I do — including garage sales. The principles I use in organizing a home or
office are the same principles I’ve used to organize successful and profitable garage sales.
The Secret to having more fun and making more money at your garage sales
Having an organized plan of action almost always results in higher levels of success. It’s the lack of these types of
organized and proven efective systems and tools that results in more work, more frustration, less traffic and less
money from most garage sales.
The solution is not to just copy what everyone else does. That almost always results in the same low results most
people get from their garage sales. Everyone is copying the same mistakes from everyone else.
I’m sure you agree, that the easiest way to get the best results in anything is to find someone who has already found
the systems and tools for success and do exactly what they do.
But I don’t want you to trust me just because I say so. I’ll stand behind my promises with a 100% money-back
guarantee. I’ll tell you more about that in a minute.
But for now, let me tell you ‘everything’ you’ll get in my Get Organized Now! Garage Sale Toolkit.
Here’s everything that’s included:
1. How to Make a Bundle at Your Next Garage Sale
Yes, Maria will show you how to make a lot more money at each of
your garage sales, but you’ll also discover how to turn them into fun,
quick and easy events with these simple ideas, examples and tools.
Organzing a fun and profitable garage sale has never been easier.
2. Garage Sale Countdown: Your 6-Week Checklist
Maria created the 6-Week Countdown Checklist to save you time,
frustration and energy. You do just a little bit each week and check off
the simple items on that week’s checklist. Before you know it,
everything is done and ready for the big day. It’s the easiest way to put
on a profitable garage sale — and no detail is forgotten.
Introducing . . . The Get Organized Now!
The easiest way to Plan, Promote and Profit
from your next Garage Sale!
3. Garage Sale Tools and Equipment Checklist
You’ll never have to sweat the small stuff — because everything you
need is listed on Maria’s Tools and Equipment Checklist. Just check off
each item and you’ll be good to go.
4. Sample Garage Sale ADS That Work
If you don’t have a ‘magnetic’ ad, then you’ll have less visitors and less
success. Maria tells you what to include in your ads and exactly how to
say it to maximize your visitors and sales. Say the wrong thing and you
could be attracting the wrong people to your sales — the ones that don’t
buy. You’ll never have to worry about that with this amazing resource.
5. Garage Sale Examples of Signs, Flyers & Stickers
You may be making some big mistakes with these that will cost you in
lost sales. Maria has collected examples of good garage sale signage,
flyers and stickers over the years and she includes some of the best in
this resource.
Many people make big and little mistakes with their signs, flyers and
stickers that result in lost sales.
BONUS 1: 24 Fun, Creative Ideas for a More
Successful Garage Sale
You’ll love these fun, attention getting ideas for pulling buyers into your
sale as well as getting them to buy more while they are there. You’ll put
them in the right mood for buying, learn what to do with parents with
kids to get them to buy more.
BONUS 2: Your Online Garage Sale –
13 of My Favorite Secrets
Most people only focus on their actual garage sale as the place to sell
their items. But as you’ll learn from “Your Online Garage Sale,” there are
lots of opportunities for selling your things before and after your garage
sale using these online secrets. With these secrets she has sold
hundreds of dollars of her things before and after her garage sales.
These are outside of the box.
The Get Organized Now! “Garage Sale Toolkit!”
How to Make a Bundle at Your Next Garage Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Garage Sale Countdown: Your 6-Week Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Garage Sale Tools and Equipment Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sample Garage Sale ADS That Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Garage Sale Examples of Signs, Flyers & Stickers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BONUS: 24 Fun, Creative Ideas for a More Successful Garage Sale . . .
BONUS: Your Online Garage Sale: 13 of My Favorite Secrets . . . . . . . .
BONUS: Increase Your Garage Sale Profits with These Simple Words
The easiest way to
Plan, Promote and Profit
from your next Garage Sale!
BONUS 3: Increase Your Garage Sale Profits
with These Simple Words
Use the wrong words and you make less money. But use the right
words and you make more money. You can’t guess at something like
this. The words and phrases that work have been tested and proven
effective. You’ll get Maria’s list of words and phrases that make more
money. They’re instantly ready for you to use at all your future garage
* Includes garage sales, rummage sales, yard sales, tag sales, carport sales, estate sales, porch sales, barn sales, etc.
Here are just some of the profitable things you’ll learn
in our “Garage Sale Toolkit”
Learn the 8 purposes for holding your garage sale. Knowing these purposes
guarantees that you get the most results from your efforts.
How much can a well planned garage sale make per day?
This powerful tool can make or break your garage sale. When you know how to
use it effectively it can make a big difference in your results.
Know which factors are within your control and which factors are not. You need to
focus on those you can control.
The secret to easily organizing all the details of your garage sale.
Top 6 ways to find out what sells in your area and what doesn’t sell.
How to determine the best prices for your pieces.
This power tip will cut your garage sale planning time in half.
YES! You can make money on half-used, broken or ripped items. Here’s how.
The easiest and fastest way to find and gather items to be sold.
Skip this important step and you may regret it big time.
Single sale or multi-family sale? These tips will make your decision easy.
Forget to do this one thing, and you may get fined by your city or town.
Days to avoid holding your garage sale.
What is the ideal number of days for your garage sale?
Discover which days can produce the most money for you — and the least.
Ideal start and end times for your garage sale.
My 7 favorite ways to get the word out about your garage sale.
Discover my “Secret Weapon” that always helps me sell some of my more
“desirable” items almost instantly.
What to include in your ads and fliers to attract the most buyers.
Which words are buyer magnets?
Which is more effective–longer or shorter ads? The answer may surprise you.
Use this simple trick to ensure there are no mistakes in your newspaper ad.
How to guarantee you get a refund or makegood on your newspaper ad if they
goof up. If you don’t use this secret, you may be out of luck.
Twenty power Tips for creating garage sale signs that make you MORE money!
The right way to prepare your selling space for maximum sales.
How to make your sale items presentable and enticing. How your things look can
make or break your sale.
How to know if your items are underpriced.
25 pricing secrets to maximize your garage sale profits.
The 7 types of garage sale shoppers–they’re each looking for somethiing different.
You get an entire chapter on Pricing Tips and Guidlines including dozens of
pricing examples.
You’ll get my personal list of garage sale tools and supplies so you’ll have
everything you need for a successful sale.
25+ Retail Secrets, Tips and Tricks for displaying your wares in a way that draws
your buyers in and entices them to buy more.
14 simple safety tips to keep you and your buyers protected.
How to get your family members to pitch in.
How I make sure I’m feeling great and at the top of my game during my sales.
Do this to avoid someone walking away with your cash box.
The simple secret to counting out accurate change.
To avoid money disputes, use this smart tip from experienced cashiers.
Exactly how much starter cash should you have and in what denominations?
24 money-making marketing tips to maximize your garage sale income.
21 tips to make the day of the sale go as smoothly as possible.
How to deal with the 8 types of hagglers.
Should you haggle with the hagglers?
Here are the best ways to deal with common “problems” at the sale.
Wrap up: 17 “After the Sale” tips.
Evaluating your success: 20 points to ponder to ensure your next sale is even
more profitable.
What Are You Expecting? (Purpose and Goals)
How Much Money Can you Expect?
A Little Planning Goes a Long Way (Doing Your
Hunting and Gathering (Determining, Finding,
and Storing the Stuff You Plan to Sell)
Do-it-Yourself Versus Multi-Family Sales (Which
is Better?)
Know the Rules (Getting the Scoop on the
Rules and Regulations in Your Neighborhood)
Making Your Sale a Reality (Setting the Date,
Time, and Place)
If You Have it, They Will Come…Or Will They?
(Getting the Word Out)
Effective Ads and Fliers (What You Say Can
Make or Break Your Sale)
Your Signs (Making and Placing Your Signs)
Cleaning Up (Getting Your Garage, Driveway
and/or Yard Ready)
Sorting Everything Out (Sorting Through
Possible Sale Items)
Make It Better, Make It Pretty (Ensuring Your
Inventory is in Saleable Condition)
How Much? (Pricing Items for Sale)
Who’s Coming? (There Are Different Types of
General Price List (General Guidelines of How
to Price)
Your Tool Box (Tools and Supplies You May
Need for Your Sale)
Your Storefront (Displaying Your Items for Sale)
Safety First (Ensuring Safety at your Sale)
Who’s Running the Show? (Staffing and Duties
at Multi-Family Garage Sales)
A Family Affair (Getting the Whole Family to
Help Out)
Feeling Great (Taking Care of YOU Before the
Money Matters (Being Sure Your Cash Stash is
Ready for Customers)
Kick it Up a Notch (Great Marketing and Super
Customer Service)
Sale Day (From Open ‘Til Close)
The Hagglers (Dealing with the Ultimate
Bargain Shoppers)
Problems at Your Sale (How to Deal With
Possible “Situations”)
Post Sale (The Sale is Over…Now What?)
The Bottom Line (Evaluating Your Success)
Until Next Time (Getting Ready for Your Next
How to Make a Bundle
at Your Next Garage Sale
Table of Contents
Q: How quickly can I get my Garage Sale Toolkit?
A: It will take just a few minutes. Everything included in the
toolkit can be downloaded to your computer. That means you
will have everything immediately after placing your order.
Q: How long can I have access to the toolkit?
A: You will save everything to your hard drive, so you will
have access to everything forever.
Q: Does it take a long time to go through the material?
A: No, it doesn’t. I know it looks like a lot, but it really isn’t.
The main volume is not a book to be read like a novel. It’s
designed for you to quickly scan and find the Garage Sale
details you need along the way. The rest of the included
material is quick and easy to go through. Our customers tell
us it’s fast and fun to go through the materials.
Q: Can I print out the contents of the toolkit?
A: Absolutely. In fact we recommend it if you would like to
read it away from your computer. You can always print it and
put it in a 3-ring binder.
Q: Are there any additional charges?
A: No, there are no additional charges for the entire toolkit —
just the low price listed above.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I apply these ideas to other forms of garage
sales, like estate sales or lawn sales?
A: Yes, all the ideas in the Garage Sale Toolkit work
equally well for garage sales, rummage sales, yard
sales, tag sales, carport sales, estate sales, porch
sales, barn sales, etc.
Q: Are the ideas difficult or expensive?
A: No, not at all. The ideas are so easy that a child can
understand and do them — my 11-year-old daughter
put on her first garage sale using the ideas in the kit,
and she did great!
Other than an ad or two and a few supplies to make
some signs, there aren’t any other supplies you need
to buy.
Q: If I’m not happy, can I get my money back?
A: Yes, of course. Our products all come with a 60-Day
Money-Back Guarantee. Just email or mail me a note
to let me know you would like a refund.
Maria Gracia
Get Organized Now!
What happens after I click the “Instant Access” button?
Step 1:
When you click the “Instant Access” button you will go to a page where you can see everything that is included in your
order and how much it will cost.
Step 2:
Click the “Check Out” button to enter your name and address and your payment information.
You can then click “Submit Order.”
Step 3:
Next you’ll go to our download page where you can download everything to your computer hard drive. Then you can
access the information anytime and as often you like — forever.
You will also receive an order confirmation via email with downloading instructions for you to save.
That’s it! Enjoy!
Get your “Garage Sale ToolKit” Today
And You’ll Also Get These Additional Bonuses — FREE!
My “Garage Sale Toolkit” is an Investment
That Will Pay For Itself Over and Over Again — Guaranteed!
From now on you will have less
work, less frustration, increased
buyers, increased sales and
increased profits — or I’ll give you
your money-back!
These garage sale methods have been tested
and proven effective over and over again. Your
small investment will pay you back in time saved
and in “big” profits made at all of your future
garage sales.
Your friends and family will wonder how you
became such a “Garage Sale” expert so fast.
And just think what you’ll be able to do with all the
extra cash from your increased sales. Use this
money to take an extra vacation, treat yourself
to massages, or anything your heart desires).
It’s all possible once you know the secrets of
holding garage sales that attract more buyers
and sell more products than you ever imagined.
If you plan to hold another garage sale, and you
want to maximize your buyers, your sales and
your profits, then you DON’T want to do it
without the money-making, “Garage Sale Toolkit.”
What our Raving Fans Have to Say About Our
Get Organized Now! “Garage Sale Toolkit”
If all you did was increase your next garage sale profits by $100 —
would it be worth it?
I hope you agree that the answer is obvious — of course it would be worth it!
If you made the tiny investment of $19, and you got back at least an extra $100 at your
next garage sale, that would mean your investment paid you back FIVE times. That’s not
counting all the additional sales you’ll make on your all your future gara sales. And
remember, if you are unhappy for any reason, you can get a full refund within 60 days.
If you plan to put on a garage sale in the future, don’t settle for average results and
minimum profits. Give yourself the best chance for maximum results. You won’t be
disappointed — I guarantee it.
Who is My “Garage Sale Toolkit” For?
My “Garage Sale Toolkit” is for people who like the idea of getting rid of their clutter while making some extra money at
the same time.
It’s for the type of person who takes action and is willing to put in a little effort to increase their extra cash for a mini-
vacation, special gift for someone they care about, or for something they’ve wanted for themselves.
It’s for the type of person who knows that there are always better, more effective ways to do things, and is willing to try
those more effective ways.
It’s for the type of person who wants a quicker and easier way to plan, promote and profit from all their future garage
Isn’t that the kind of person you are?
Who is My “Garage Sale Toolkit” NOT For?
My “Garage Sale Toolkit” is NOT for the type of person who doesn’t want to hold a garage sale. They would rather just
donate or discard their clutter, and not profit from it.
It’s not for people who really don’t care how much time or effort they put into their garage sales. They are not
interested in smarter, more effective ways of putting together their garage sales.
And they don’t care how many people show up or how much money they make for their efforts. If they make a couple
of dollars, they’re happy. They probably don’t need any additional money so the opportunity to make a lot more for
less work, doesn’t really interest them.
Finally, it’s not for the type of person who has no intention of following any of the tested and proven advice laid out in
my “Garage Sale Toolkit.” So, if they don’t do any of the “many” time saving and sales increasing things I recommend,
then they won’t get much value from my toolkit — and they shouldn’t invest in it.
I know, this ISN’T YOU.
There are TWO Types of People. Which One Are You?
Person A: This type of person rarely takes action, even when offered a great deal with a huge payoff — that is
guaranteed — they still say, “No thanks, I don’t want to improve.”
They procrastinate, or they find fault with every opportunity that comes along, no matter how good the opportunity is.
They just continue doing things the same old way they’ve always done them, always getting the same mediocre or
poor results.
Sadly, that describes the majority of people. They’re reluctant to ‘learn’ anything that could help them achieve more in
their lives. They know that there are better ways to do things, but they just don’t bother to learn them.
Since it’s nearly impossible to simply ‘stumble’ upon a much more effective way to do something, they go through
their lives never discovering how much more they could have had — if they only had taken action.
Person B: People in this group take action. They are intelligent and always seeking better ways of doing things.
They understand that you can’t know what you don’t know.
They know that there is only one sure way to achieve more, to rise above the crowd, and that is to take action and
learn more effective, more efficient, more profitable ways of doing things. This has always been the key to success.
Success and improvement doesn’t just happen, it is only obtained through intelligent action.
Because you have read this far, I already know that you are this type of person. If you want to learn how to make
more money from your Garage Sales, and do it faster and easier than you’ve ever done it before, then please don’t
procrastinate, don’t put it off.
Click the button now and give it a try. You have absolutely no risk. If it works for you, it will pay for itself many times
over from your next garage sale and even more from your future garage sales. If it doesn’t work, you can get a full,
no questions asked, refund. Click the button below to take action now.
Here are the three main reasons why people don’t
make a lot more money with their garage sales
Plan: They aren’t aware that there are simple things they can do to make the planning
of their garage sale a whole lot faster, easier and less stressful. So, they work way too
hard, and give up on future garage sales. They end up just giving away their clutter.
Promote: They don’t know exactly what to say, where to say it or how to say the
right things that will draw a lot more ‘qualified’ buyers to their sales. Because of that,
they tend to attract a fraction of the buyers they could have gotten.
Profit: Once they have the buyers at their sales, they don’t have the right simple systems
and tools in place or the right words to use that would guarantee they would make more sales and profit
at each garage sale they hold.
As you’ll learn today, all of these problems can be eliminated with the right knowledge, systems and tools.
Sound good? Lets dig in.
You’ll love how quick and easy it is to do. And it’s guaranteed!
Get Everything in This HUGE
Garage Sale Toolkit Package TODAY
for ONLY . . .
You’re Protected by My
Risk-Free, 60-Day Money Back Guarantee!
If for any reason you feel my “Garage Sale Toolkit”
program isn’t for you, just send me an email within the next 60
days, and I’ll issue you an immediate, no questions asked, refund.
AND you get to keep everything! You have absolutely NO Risk!
I am willing to offer you this crazy guarantee, because I am so
confident in the value and effectiveness of my “Garage Sale
Toolkit” program — I don’t want you to take my word for it,
I want you to try it and prove it to yourself!
Copyright 2019 to Present – Maria Gracia – Get Organized Now!™
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The easiest way to
Plan, Promote
and Profit
from your next
Garage Sale!
“The methods shown in the Garage Sale
Toolkit have helped people sell $500, $750,
even $1,000+ at their Garage Sales — and it
can help you do the same.
Or I’ll give you your money back!”
— Maria Gracia
It Puts Your
Garage Sale
on Steroids!
Here are the three main reasons
why people don’t make a lot more
money with their garage sales
Plan: They aren’t aware that there are simple
things they can do to make the planning of
their garage sale a whole lot faster, easier
and less stressful. So, they work way too
hard, and give up on future garage sales.
They end up just giving away their clutter.
Promote: They don’t know exactly what to
say, where to say it or how to say the right
things that will draw a lot more ‘qualified’
buyers to their sales. Because of that, they
tend to attract a fraction of the buyers they
could have gotten.
Profit: Once they have the buyers at their
sales, they don’t have the right simple
systems and tools in place or the right words
to use that would guarantee they would
make more sales and profit at each garage
sale they hold.
As you’ll learn today, all of these problems can be
eliminated with the right knowledge, systems and
Sound good? Lets dig in.
My promises to You
Promise #1: I will show you the easiest
and most profitable ways to suck the
clutter out of your home or office faster
than you ever imagined without endless
hours of hard work — and you’ll end up
with more cash in your pocket.
Promise #2: I promise that I will show you
my exact quick and easy steps and tools
for planning my garage sales in a fraction
of the time it takes most people — without
frustration, confusion or disappointment.
Promise #3: I’ll show you the simple steps
and tools I use to promote and attract
more qualified people to my garage sales
without spending a fortune.
Promise #4: I’ll show you my secret ways
to sell more before, during and after your
garage sales. Most people just focus on
the garage sale itself–I’ll show you why
that’s a BIG money-losing mistake if you
want to maximize your sales.
Here’s everything that’s included:
1. How to Make a Bundle at
Your Next Garage Sale
Yes, Maria will show you how to
make a lot more money at each of
your garage sales, but you’ll also
discover how to turn them into fun,
quick and easy events with these
simple ideas, examples and tools.
Organzing a fun and profitable
garage sale has never been easier.
2. Garage Sale Countdown:
Your 6-Week Checklist
Maria created the 6-Week
Countdown Checklist to save you
time, frustration and energy. You
do just a little bit each week and
check off the simple items on that
week’s checklist. Before you know
it, everything is done and ready for
the big day. It’s the easiest way to
put on a profitable garage sale —
and no detail is forgotten.
3. Garage Sale Tools and
Equipment Checklist
You’ll never have to sweat the
small stuff — because everything
you need is listed on Maria’s Tools
and Equipment Checklist. Just
check off each item and you’ll be
good to go.
4. Sample Garage Sale ADS
That Work
If you don’t have a ‘magnetic’ ad,
then you’ll have less visitors and
less success. Maria tells you what
to include in your ads and exactly
how to say it to maximize your
visitors and sales. Say the wrong
thing and you could be attracting
the wrong people to your sales —
the ones that don’t buy. You’ll
never have to worry about that
with this amazing resource.
5. Garage Sale Examples of
Signs, Flyers & Stickers
You may be making some big
mistakes with these that will cost
you in lost sales. Maria has
collected examples of good
garage sale signage, flyers and
stickers over the years and she
includes some of the best in this
Many people make big and little
mistakes with their signs, flyers
and stickers that result in lost
24 Fun, Creative Ideas for a
More Successful Garage Sale
You’ll love these fun, attention getting
ideas for pulling buyers into your sale
as well as getting them to buy more
while they are there. You’ll put them
in the right mood for buying, learn
what to do with parents with kids to
get them to buy more.
Your Online Garage Sale – 13 of
My Favorite Secrets
Most people only focus on their
actual garage sale as the place to
sell their items. But as you’ll learn
from “Your Online Garage Sale,”
there are lots of opportunities for
selling your things before and after
your garage sale using these online
secrets. With these secrets she has
sold hundreds of dollars of her things
before and after her garage sales.
These are outside of the box.
Get your “Garage Sale ToolKit”
Today And You’ll Also Get These
Additional Bonuses — FREE!
Here are just some of the
profitable things you’ll learn in our
“Garage Sale Toolkit”
Learn the 8 purposes for holding your
garage sale. Knowing these purposes
guarantees that you get the most results
from your efforts.
How much can a well planned garage sale
make per day?
This powerful tool can make or break your
garage sale. When you know how to use it
effectively it can make a big difference in
your results.
Know which factors are within your control
and which factors are not. You need to
focus on those you can control.
The secret to easily organizing all the
details of your garage sale.
Top 6 ways to find out what sells in your
area and what doesn’t sell.
How to determine the best prices for your
This power tip will cut your garage sale
planning time in half.
YES! You can make money on half-used,
broken or ripped items. Here’s how.
The easiest and fastest way to find and
gather items to be sold.
Skip this important step and you may
regret it big time.
Single sale or multi-family sale? These tips
will make your decision easy.
Forget to do this one thing, and you may
get fined by your city or town.
Days to avoid holding your garage sale.
What is the ideal number of days for your
garage sale?
Discover which days can produce the most
money for you — and the least.
Ideal start and end times for your garage
My 7 favorite ways to get the word out
about your garage sale.
Discover my “Secret Weapon” that always
helps me sell some of my more “desirable”
items almost instantly.
What to include in your ads and fliers to
attract the most buyers.
Which words are buyer magnets?
Which is more effective–longer or shorter
ads? The answer may surprise you.
Use this simple trick to ensure there are no
mistakes in your newspaper ad.
How to guarantee you get a refund or
makegood on your newspaper ad if they
goof up. If you don’t use this secret, you
may be out of luck.
Twenty power Tips for creating garage sale
signs that make you MORE money!
The right way to prepare your selling space
for maximum sales.
How to make your sale items presentable
and enticing. How your things look can
make or break your sale.
How to know if your items are underpriced.
25 pricing secrets to maximize your garage
sale profits.
The 7 types of garage sale shoppers–
they’re each looking for somethiing
You get an entire chapter on Pricing Tips
and Guidelines including dozens of pricing
You’ll get my personal list of garage sale
tools and supplies so you’ll have
everything you need for a successful sale.
25+ Retail Secrets, Tips and Tricks for
displaying your wares in a way that draws
your buyers in and entices them to buy
14 simple safety tips to keep you and your
buyers protected.
How to get your family members to pitch
How I make sure I’m feeling great and at
the top of my game during my sales.
Do this to avoid someone walking away
with your cash box.
The simple secret to counting out accurate
To avoid money disputes, use this smart
tip from experienced cashiers.
Exactly how much starter cash should you
have and in what denominations?
24 money-making marketing tips to
maximize your garage sale income.
21 tips to make the day of the sale go as
smoothly as possible.
How to deal with the 8 types of hagglers.
Should you haggle with the hagglers?
Here are the best ways to deal with
common “problems” at the sale.
Wrap up: 17 “After the Sale” tips.
Evaluating your success: 20 points to
ponder to ensure your next sale is even
more profitable.
The Get Organized Now!
“Garage Sale Toolkit!”
BONUS: 24 Fun, Creative Ideas for
a More Successful Garage Sale
BONUS: Your Online Garage Sale:
13 of My Favorite Secrets
BONUS: Increase Your Garage Sale
Profits with These Simple Words
You’re Protected by
My Risk-Free, 60-Day
Money Back Guarantee!
If for any reason you feel my “Garage Sale
Toolkit!” program isn’t for you, just send me an
email within the next 60 days, and I’ll issue you an
immediate, no questions asked, refund.
AND you get to keep everything!
You have absolutely NO Risk!
I am willing to offer you this crazy guarantee,
because I am so confident in the value and
effectiveness of my Garage Sale Toolkit! program.
I don’t want you to take my word for it,
I want you to try it and prove it to yourself!
What Our Fans Have to Say About
Our “Garage Sale Toolkit!”
Q: How quickly can I get my Garage Sale
A: It will take just a few minutes. Everything
included in the toolkit can be downloaded to your
computer. That means you will have everything
immediately after placing your order.
Q: How long can I have access to the toolkit?
A: You will save everything to your hard drive, so
you will have access to everything forever.
Q: Does it take a long time to go through the
A: No, it doesn’t. I know it looks like a lot, but it
really isn’t. The main volume is not a book to be
read like a novel. It’s designed for you to quickly
scan and find the Garage Sale details you need
along the way. The rest of the included material is
quick and easy to go through. Our customers tell
us it’s fast and fun to go through the materials.
Q: Can I print out the contents of the toolkit?
A: Absolutely. In fact we recommend it if you would
like to read it away from your computer. You can
always print it and put it in a 3-ring binder.
Q: Are there any additional charges?
A: No, there are no additional charges for the
entire toolkit — just the low price listed above.
Q: Can I apply these ideas to other forms of
garage sales, like estate sales or lawn sales?
A: Yes, all the ideas in the Garage Sale Toolkit
work equally well for garage sales, rummage
sales, yard sales, tag sales, carport sales, estate
sales, porch sales, barn sales, etc.
Q: Are the ideas difficult or expensive?
A: No, not at all. The ideas are so easy that a child
can understand and do them — my 11-year-old
daughter put on her first garage sale using the
ideas in the kit, and she did great!
Other than an ad or two and a few supplies to
make some signs, there aren’t any other supplies
you need to buy.
Q: If I’m not happy, can I get my money back?
A: Yes, of course. Our products all come with a
60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Just email or mail
me a note to let me know you would like a refund.
Maria Gracia
Get Organized Now!
611 Arlington Way
Watertown, WI 53094
Frequently Asked
Maria Gracia
Increase Your Garage Sale
Profits with These Simple
Use the wrong words and you make
less money. But use the right words
and you make more money. You
can’t guess at something like this.
The words and phrases that work
have been tested and proven
effective. You’ll get Maria’s list of
words and phrases that make more
money. They’re instantly ready for
you to use at all your future garage
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How to Make a Bundle at Your
Next Garage Sale
Garage Sale Countdown:
Your 6-Week Checklist
Garage Sale Tools and Equipment
Sample Garage Sale ADS That
Garage Sale Examples of Signs,
Flyer & Stickers
Copyright 2023 – Maria Gracia – Get Organized Now!™