Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/hintons to try 14 days for free and protect yourself from America’s fastest-growing crime. Google …

Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/hintons to try 14 days for free and protect yourself from America’s fastest-growing crime. Google …
I'll save some of you about 15 minutes … It's cold sales calling.
If you'll have all the answers on how to make so much money, have you done them or just building your channel off what someone else says.
Google maps is running very dangerous many idiots have no clue very likely to get stalk.
Chrome and maps = you are at risk for hackers or stalkers.
Thank you so much for sharing this!
I completed the course and watched this video, unfortunately the course did not give actual instructions on how you can do this for other businesses it focuses as if you are the business owner yourself, I’m not sure she actually tried this herself.
What would be useful is a step by step tutorial as this sounded great but a lot more difficult when you actually try.
God bless you sister for this great idea!
In Punjabi is a Sat Sri Akall
Gat dam I love Chris and the rush hour movie you’re pretty creative I like that but I want to ask a question about this do u have time I know its already 7 months old
Is this legit or no?
People should take heed what the exes say. They aren't always bitter. People should come with car faxes also. Lol
Hi and thanks for the video and time, my question is, I have the information, but is there a video that explains how to put it in place on a company you have found that would like the services. Sorry if this was asked in another thread. Once they have agreed to everything, do you just send them the process?
You don’t need an llc to do this work for others?? So you just add the info on google?? Why can’t business owners do it themselves if it’s so easy? Why would they pay us to do it?
Has anyone even tried this and does it even work
you never told what the service is and how u do it
Loved it and gonna apply tomorrow first thing in the morning! Luv you! ❤
I'll try to keep posting
blll..bllllaaaaa….blaaaaa..bllaaaa..and nothing
Love your video. I've done sales for years and have been looking for a realistic sales gig / side hustle, etc that I could do from home as a part of my semi-retirement in my spare time.
Thank You so much! I appreciate this
Why Not?
Also, I'm not at all sponsored by Hostinger. I just simply learned how to do this legitimately and found out about the red tape you could come across when becoming "Google verified".
Unfortunately there are some catches you should be aware about when trying to do this. First, she acts as though becoming Google verified is simple. Unfortunately it's not. They require a video of your home address to make sure you actually live there. If they accept that you are who you say you are, then your business is up on the map. Which seems good, until you learn that it is not legal to operate a business our of your home if you live in an apartment. They will send you a cease and desist letter and you will no longer be able to conduct business from your home. I suggest paying the money it costs to make a website on Hostinger. It costs about $38 up front and a few dollars a month to maintain your website, but if you are serious about making money, it's a very small investment to make.
Someone called my hubby offering the same service! Now I know that they were not professionals. They promised to gain more reviews and more calls, but it didn't change anything! My hubby refunded his money! It's a scam. Be careful, business owners might sue you because you getting all the information from AI, but you're not a specialist in that field.
My adhd is like just lost it out and I got it.. lol
Important question… after they say yes do you do the work first and then they pay you or they pay first bc im seeing alot of trust needed either way
Thank you! This makes a great entry-level service to add to my digital marketing agency. 🔥
Thank you so much for actually helping those of us looking for legitimate wfh work. You are a gem 💎
My company receives 5-20 of this type of calls a week. So very irritating when you work with your hands and have to stop what you're doing to answer these calls. Been that way about 5 years now.
Has anyone done this themselves???