I’m sure you can add to this list, but these are just a few of the obvious
benefits of getting fit and losing weight.
More Energy: When you lose weight and you become fit, you just naturally
have more energy. You GLOW!
Beach Body: Just think how good it will feel to be proud of your beach body
in your new swimsuit, or how you’ll look when you slip into those smaller
clothes you’ve had your eye on.
Be Healthier: Sure you want to feel great, but it’s even more important for
you and for those that you love, that you are also great on the inside. You want to
be and stay as healthy as possible.
More Family Activities: The years pass by so very quickly. You want to make
sure you are creating happy memories with your family and friends. Being fit and
thinner definitely helps you do that.
Have Healthier Hair & Skin: Yes, I share my best hair and skin care tips in my
monthly GON GLOW program too!
Save money: Bad foods cost a lot of money. Add to that the cost of increased
health care bills and it just makes economic sense to get fit and lose weight.
More Romance: As you get thinner and healthier it improves your self-esteem,
your confidence and it makes you a more positive person. People around you
can’t help but notice all these positive changes. It all adds up to more
excitement in your life.
Less Meds: You may be able to lower your medications, but, of
course, always check with your doctor before making any
changes to your medication doses.
Nothing Extra to Buy — No supplements, shakes, meals, etc.
You won’t be asked to buy supplements, shakes, meals, pills or anything like that. GON GLOWTM is designed to get you
eating healthy, being active, and looking and feeling your very best…naturally.
It’s nothing overwhelming…and anyone can follow my GON GLOWTM Program to feel better, look better, and be better!
You will finally understand exactly what to do to get healthy and thin! You’ll discover how to GLOW every day!
I’ve been a recognized organizing expert for the past
20 years. Now I’m applying my organizing knowledge and
skills to losing weight and getting fit — and it works!
To master anything you first need to know
the facts about what works and what
That takes trying different techniques and
doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t. That’s what I do
in organizing and it’s the same process I’ve developed to get fit and
lose weight.
As we age, we tend to gain more weight for a number of reasons.
We often become less active, we tend to eat more foods that pack
on the weight, we have less time to exercise, we relax more often
on the sofa with our favorite ‘fattening’ snacks, our body’s
metabolism systems become less and less effective, etc.
We now use TV remotes so that we never have to get up from the
couch. People used to wash clothes down by the river. Today washing clothes now means dropping the clothes into
the washing machine, adding soap and pushing a button. We use the elevator to go up one floor instead of using
the stairs. And, finally, we drive ‘everywhere,’ instead of walking. I once had a friend who had a long driveway at her
country home. She got in her car each day and drove to the end of the driveway to get her mail!
Bottom line? We aren’t active enough each day to burn the calories we consume. On top of that we eat the wrong
kinds of foods that pack on even more fat and many of them are damaging our health. So, gaining weight is the
common and natural result of living in our type of modern, convenience society.
But, I’ve always believed that there are ‘organized’ steps you can take to reverse the trend towards weight gain.
I wasn’t looking for a ‘diet.’
About 4-5 years ago I decided to commit to learning how to change my lifesyle so that I could lose the added weight
I had accumulated through my thirties and forties, and keep it off ‘automatically’ through my daily lifestyle habits.
Through research and trial and error I eventually learned what foods to eat and what kinds of activities to do to help
me accomplish my fitness and weight loss goals.
I learned how to eat to stay healthy and lose weight
I learned a great deal about what it means to eat healthy.
We all know how bad fast food and junk foods are, but healthy eating
goes way beyond those basics.
I learned how bad refined sugar and chemicals can be for our health.
I’ve come to understand that healthy foods generally means ‘real’
foods, not processed, factory made foods.
Now, don’t get me wrong. That doesn’t mean I ‘never’ eat a cookie or
rich desserts. From time to time I do, but I don’t eat them every day.
I learned to choose delicious, healthy, easy-to-prepare foods that
didn’t pack on the pounds! And I can show you how to do that too.
“I enjoy eating and I enjoy the foods I like to eat.
If I don’t like it — I won’t eat it”
I discovered how to break my plate down into the three, basic, healthy food groups: 50% Fruits & Veggies, 25%
Protein-Rich Foods and 25% Whole Grains and Fiber-Rich Carbs. There are many sources on the Internet that
teach you how to break down your food groups. I personally found this one to work for me and my students.
I learned how to stay fit with fun exercises — if it’s not fun for me, I don’t want to do it (That’s my secret!)
I tried all sorts of exercise approaches and finally found ZumbaTM dance
fitness classes the most fun and the most effective for me.
As I said earlier, I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. But, in addition to being
an organizing expert…I am ALSO a fitness expert. I teach nine fitness
classes each week at both my local YMCA and the Senior/Community
Center. I am a fitness instructor certified in ZumbaTM, STRONG by ZumbaTM,
Aqua ZumbaTM, and Pound FitnessTM.
But don’t be intimidated by that, because I only became a fitness instructor
AFTER my weight was where I wanted it to be…and that meant making
some very positive improvements in my life…which I can’t wait to share
with you!
I have made fitness an important part of my life, and I would like to make it
an important part of your life too.
The Results: I am now just one or two pounds shy of my original weight when I was
twenty years old! And I feel wonderful! I promise, if you join me in my GON GLOWTM
program . . . you will look and feel great too!
Q: How quickly can I get GON GLOWTM?
A: It will take just a few minutes to get everything
included in your first month’s issue once you place your
order. Everything included in my GON GLOWTM program
can be downloaded to your computer.
Q: When will I receive my next issue and segments
A: Each Issue comes out around the 1st of each month.
You will receive an email with a link to that month’s
features: Action Bulletin, Exercise Videos, Recipes, etc.
Q: Does it take a long time to go through the
A: No, each of the components are just a few pages
long. They are easy, and fun to read. The bonuses are a
little longer.
Q: How long can I have access to GON GLOWTM?
A: You will have LIFE-TIME access, so you will have
access to everything forever.
Q: Do I pay $37 every month?
A: Absolutely NOT! You just pay the Low, ONE-TIME
payment of $37 for LIFETIME ACCESS.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are there any additional charges?
A: No, there are no additional charges for GON
GLOWTM — just the low price listed above for all 12
Q: Can I print out the contents of GON GLOWTM?
A: Absolutely. In fact we recommend it if you would
like to read it away from your computer. You can
always print it and put it in a 3-ring binder.
Q: Are the concepts difficult or expensive?
A: No, not at all. The ideas shared in GON GLOWTM
are easy to understand and implement. The only
expense is your normal grocery bill. The ingredients
for the included recipes are normal, inexpensive
Q: If I’m not happy, can I get my money back?
A: Yes, of course. Our products all come with a 60-
Day Money-Back Guarantee. Just email or mail me a
note to let me know you would like a refund.
Maria Gracia
Get Organized Now!
611 Arlington Way
Watertown, WI 53094
What happens after I click the “Instant Access” button?
Step 1:
When you click the “Instant Access” button you will go to a page where you can see everything that is included in your
order and how much it will cost.
Step 2:
Click the “Check Out” button to enter your name and address and your payment information.
You can then click “Submit Order.”
Step 3:
Next you’ll go to our download page where you can download everything to your computer hard drive. Then you can
access the information anytime and as often you like — forever.
You will also receive an order confirmation via email with downloading instructions for you to save for future use.
That’s it! Enjoy!
What our Raving Fans Have to Say About My
“GON GLOW” Resource
Who is My GON GLOWTM Program For?
My GON GLOWTM Program is for people who are tired of of being overweight and out of shape.
The level of their weight gain–small or large–doesn’t matter. What matters is that they want to lose the weight and get
back in shape. They are tired of all the problems, both physical and emotional that weight gain produces and they
would like some professional guidance in accomplishing their weight loss and fitness goals.
They are ready to commit to making the healthy lifestyle improvements that I teach in my GON GLOWTM Program.
Who is My GON GLOWTM Program NOT For?
First of all, my GON GLOWTM Program is NOT for someone who has a serious medical condition that is contributing to
their weight gain. My program is not a medical program. If this describes you please seek professional help.
My GON GLOWTM Program is NOT for the type of person who is not bothered by their weight gain or lack of physical
fitness. If they don’t consider their weight gain a problem, then they are not seeking a solution.
Finally, it’s not for the type of person who just ‘wishes’ their weight gain problems would simply disappear without any
effort on their part. These types of people usually have no intention of following any of the tested and proven
recommendations laid out in any program. This type of person won’t get much value from my GON GLOWTM Program
program — and they shouldn’t invest in it.
Since you have read this far, I know this ISN’T YOU.
50 Low-Calorie Snack Recipes
by Maria Gracia
The GON GLOW program incorporates 3 meals a day…and two snacks a day.
In this bonus, Maria provides 50 low-calorie snack recipes that offer a wide
variety of options, and are a cinch to make and enjoy. There is a beautiful color
photo of each snack on each recipe page to entice you!
Get GON GLOWTM TODAY and you’ll get all the BONUSES below for FREE!
THAT’S $100 VALUE! (All Bonuses Available for Instant Download)
GON GLOW 12-Month Weight Loss & Fitness Program
GON GLOW Getting Started Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GON GLOW Welcome Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GON GLOW Weigh-In Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GON GLOW Exclusive Food and Fitness Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GON GLOW Monthly Action Bulletins (24 Issues) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GON GLOW Monthly Exclusive Exercise and Dance
Fitness Videos (50 Exclusive Videos + Bonus Guest Videos) . . . . .
GON GLOW Monthly Delicious, Quick & Easy Recipes (170+ Recipes)
GON GLOW Monthly ToDos, Affirmations & Motivation (24 Issues)
GON GLOW Daily Private Community Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GON GLOW In a Minute (Several times a week.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BONUS 1: 50 Low-Calorie Snack Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BONUS 2: Small Tweaks for BIG Weight Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BONUS 3: Get Healthy on a Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BONUS 4: Feel Amazing Every Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BONUS 5: Exercise in Disguise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is This Your Year to Finally Lose That Extra Weight,
Get Fit and Wake Your WOW?
If you’ve struggled with weight loss, and most of us do, then you know how difficult it is to
lose weight and keep it off. Sometimes we are looking to lose a lot of weight and other times,
we’re just trying to shake a few pesky pounds–or just tone up.
Now I want to say right up front, that I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. But, in addition to
being an organizing expert…I am ALSO a fitness expert. I teach nine fitness classes each
week at both my local YMCA and the Senior/Community Center.
I am a fitness instructor certified in ZumbaTM, STRONG by ZumbaTM, Aqua ZumbaTM, and Pound FitnessTM. But don’t be
intimidated by that, because I only became a fitness instructor AFTER my weight was where I wanted it to be…and
that meant making some very positive improvements in my life…which I can’t wait to share with you!
I eat fun foods like potato chips and chocolate now and then too!
In addition to regular exercise, I also know how important it is to eat healthy, nutritious foods. But, trust me…I don’t
starve or follow any crazy diet plan.
I love to cook…although I don’t have a ton of extra time to do so. That’s why I have to come up with recipes that are a
cinch to make, don’t include weird ingredients, are nutritious and healthy, taste great and I can whip up quickly and
Plus, I love to feel good…look good…do whatever I can to better myself… AND exude confidence in my life.
That’s why I’m so excited to announce my latest organizing goodie to help you organize your health and well being.
It’s called GON GLOWTM and it’s designed to help you shine bright now…and forever.
Get Organized Now! to…
G = Get Healthy
L = Lose Weight
O = Outshine Yourself
W = Wake the Wow Effect
Why is it so difficult to lose weight and keep it off?
Everywhere you look there are articles, news stories and reports telling us that we need to keep fit and maintain
healthy weight goals not only for our self-esteem, but for our health too. So, it’s a big topic that interests most people.
So, why is it so difficult to get in shape and stay healthy? Here are just a few of the many reasons.
Fast Food: We live in a convenience food society where we can easily get our
meals at a drive-up window. Fast Food is often fat food. Once in a while isn’t too bad,
but a steady diet of fast food and junk foods is a sure path to weight gain. In my GON
GLOWTM program I will show you how to eat healthy and delicious foods that are
inexpensive and easy to prepare.
Salt, Fat and Sugar: For many of us, we crave salt, fat and sugar above everything
else. They form the foundation of our comfort foods. Salt can make you retain water.
Fat, well that’s obvious . . . and sugar gets turned into fat almost instantly. Food
manufacturers know that we love salt, fat and sugar, and so they pour huge amounts
of them into everything they want us to buy. Most of the aisles at the supermarket are
filled with processed foods made primarily from salt, fat and sugar.
The Sugar Epidemic: Sugar needs its own category.
Nutritionists have been warning us about the dangers of
sugar for decades. And yet, it’s in everything we crave. Did you know that 100 years
ago the average person consumed just a little more than 7 lbs of sugar per year?
Today the average American consumes an incredible 170 lbs of sugar per year!!
Good Grief. And if it’s not used for immediate energy it is then converted into…fat. In
GON GLOWTM I’ll show you how to enjoy your meals and snacks without overdosing
on sugar.
Processed Grains: Processed grains are grains that have been pulverized into a
powdery consistency where all of the healthful fiber and vitamins have been
removed. Most white breads, cookies, crackers, and other snack foods/cereals are
made from processed grains. In short, processed grains turn almost instantly into
sugar in our stomachs and what isn’t used immediately for energy is converted into
Lots of Misinformation: Eat this, don’t eat that. One month we are told A is bad for
you and then next month we are told that A is now good for you. It’s enough to make
your head spin. What you need is someone who can guide you in choosing foods
that will help you lose weight–eat more of those–and which foods to eat sparingly.
That’s exactly what I do in my GON GLOWTM weight loss program.
Fad Diets: Fad diets come and go. So many people are looking for quick and easy fixes, but, unfortunately, quick
and easy fixes rarely work in the long term. You don’t need a fad, you need an intelligent, healthy, lifestyle
solution that works for the rest of your life. That’s why I created my GON GLOWTM Weight Loss & Fitness
Sedentary Lifestyle: Let’s face it, many of us live less active lifestyles than we used
to. Perhaps we have an office job where we sit before a computer all day. At the end
of the day, we may be mentally and physically exhausted . . . so we flip on the TV and
settle into the sofa for the evening. We all know that to maintain our fitness and weight
goals, in addition to eating right, we also need to move more. That’s where my GON
GLOWTM workout videos come into play. They are fun, and easy to do. But I’ll tell you
more about those in a minute.
Lack of Motivation: This is the big one. Many people sign up for the gym at the
beginning of the year and within a few months they rarely go, or stop entirely. I’ve
made a point in my GON GLOWTM program to ensure that doesn’t happen to you. I do
everything I can to keep you up and motivated to continue on your positive journey to
a healthier, thinner, happier you!
I’m Here to Support and Guide You on
Your Journey to a New, Healthier, Thinner, Happier You!
The nice thing about GON GLOWTM is it’s not going to tell you something once and leave you high and dry. Instead,
you’re going to get advice, motivation, and support to help you on your journey to a new you. Repetition has been
proven to be a key component to healthy change.
Every month for 12-months you’ll get monthly Action Bulletins, Exercise and Dance Fitness Videos, Daily Affirmations
and Motivation, New and Easy Recipes you can whip up in no time, and continuous Community Support.
It’s nothing overwhelming…anyone can follow it to feel better, look better, and be better! This is your year to GLOW!
Small Tweaks for BIG Weight Loss
by Maria Gracia
Just by applying these small tweaks to your life (minor adjustments that are easy to
make) you can begin losing weight immediately…and keep it off. These
informational gems will put you on the right path to reaching your weight goals
quickly and easily.
Get Healthy on a Budget
by Maria Gracia
Contrary to popular belief, you can eat healthy and stay fit in a very frugal,
budget-friendly manner. You’ll learn Maria’s secrets for doing so in this bonus.
By the way, she follows all of these golden nuggets of information herself!
Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me About
Losing Weight and Getting Fit?
Feel Amazing Every Day
by Maria Gracia
Losing weight and getting fit is only part of your journey. Feeling amazing inside
and out is an integral component of GON GLOW. Maria shares her top insights
as to how you can begin feeling amazing today…and every day.
Exercise in Disguise
by Maria Gracia
Most people think of exercise as activities like running, jumping jacks, and sit
ups. But Maria has come up with a whole bunch of “unconventional” ways you
can exercise, without even realizing you’re burning those calories.
Get Healthy,
Lose Weight,
Outshine Yourself,
Wake the WOW!
FItness Expert, Maria Gracia, Presents . . .
Monthly Exclusive Exercise
and Dance Fitness Videos
50 Exercise/Dance Videos + Bonus Guest Videos Every Month
I personally choreographed fifty, exclusive fitness videos not seen anywhere
on the web but in this program. I’ve included a good mix of dance fitness,
and other exercises, all choreographed to music. They’re easy, fun…and
you can do them over and over in the comfort of your own home. You can
also do them at your own pace. You’ll also get free Bonus Guest Videos too.
Monthly Affirmations &
1 Motivation/Affirmation Issue each month
+ 1 Bonus Motivation/Affirmation Issue each month
= 24 Motivation/Affirmation Issues (Total)
Monthly TO DOs, Affirmations, and Motivation to keep
you inspired and to encourage you to keep going.
Daily Private Community Support
You don’t have to go at it alone. I’ll be here for you every step of the
way…as well as other folks just like you, via our wonderful
community support group…anyone who is a GLOWTM member is
GON GLOWTM In a Minute
(Several times a week.)
Because having a personal coach and mentor who is THERE FOR
YOU is so important, I will be providing you with insights, tips, snack
ideas, fitness tips, and more, several times a week…and you’ll have
the opportunity to comment, add questions, and even share your
own challenges and successes!
12-Month Weight Loss & Fitness Program
Getting Started
My quick and easy introduction to always looking
and feeling your very best. This is where you will
find my Welcome Letter, your GON GLOWTM Food
and Fitness Plan and your GON GLOWTM Weigh-
In Log sheet to keep track of your weight loss
GON GLOWTM is NOT a Diet Program.
It is a permanent, healthy lifestyle program designed
to help you Get Healthy, Lose Weight,
Outshine Yourself and Wake the WOW!
It’s a 12-Month Weight Loss & Fitness Program with Maria Gracia
Exclusive Food and Fitness
I hate food restrictions or killer exercise plans…there
aren’t any in GON GLOWTM. My plan is simple, easy to
apply, and effective.
5 GON GLOWTM Bonuses
I’m including five valuable bonuses to help
you get and stay on track to your fitness
and weight goals.
Delicious Monthly Recipes
1 Recipe Issue (5-8 Recipes) each month
+ 1 Bonus Recipe Issue (5-8 Recipes) each month
= 24 Recipe Issues (170+ Recipes Total!)
No crazy ingredients, all delicious and you can whip
up each in no time. These are recipes I make for my
family all the time!
You’re Protected by My
Risk-Free, 60-Day Money Back Guarantee!
If for any reason you feel my
GON GLOWTM 12-Month Weight Loss & Fitness Program
isn’t for you, just send me an email within the next 60 days,
and I’ll issue you an immediate, no questions asked, refund.
AND you get to keep all the bonuses and modules you received
up to that date! You have absolutely NO Risk!
Here’s the Help You Need to Become Healthier, Thinner & Happier This Year
12-Month Weight Loss & Fitness Program
GON GLOW is my
12-Month Weight Loss
& Fitness Program
What Would it Mean to You to FINALLY Reach Your
Fitness and Weight Loss Goals THIS YEAR?
In addition to being more fit and having a thinner body, there are a lot
of additional benefits to losing weight with my GON GLOW TM Program!
A quick search on Google provided these numbers:
Gym Membership:…………………..
Personal Trainer @ Gym:………….
$45 per session
Personal Trainer @ Your Home:….
$75 per session
$50 – $150 per session
There are lots of variables and additional things someone might also pay for,
such as home exercise equipment, weekly supplements, shakes, etc.
Bottom Line — It can be very expensive — and you usually have no guarantees.
How much would it cost to try to Get Fit
and Lose Weight On Your Own?
So, How Much is My Complete 12-Month GON GLOWTM Program?
(I Think You’ll Be Pleasantly Surprised!)
You Get Everything Shown, PLUS Our New,
GON GLOW TM Resources Every Single Month
for a Full 12-Months!
All for This LOW, ONE-TIME Payment of $37!
© Copyright 2023 to Present: Maria Gracia, Get Organized Now!
Monthly Action Bulletins
1 Action Bulletin + 1 Bonus Action Bulletin
= 24 Total Action Bulletins
Each Monthly Action Bulletin is filled to the brim
with health and wellness information, like weight
loss, curbing cravings, toning up, eating strategies,
tips for dining out, meal planning, hair, skin and
beauty tips, and so much more. It also includes 3
easy actions to focus on each month.
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used in promotion of these products.
For Product Support,
please contact the vendor HERE.
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please contact ClickBank HERE.
These are just a few of the obvious
benefits of getting fit and losing weight.
More Energy
Beach Body
Be Healthier
More Family Activities
Have Healthier Hair & Skin
Save Money
More Romance
Less Meds
Nothing Extra to Buy — No
supplements, shakes, meals, etc.
Get Healthy,
Lose Weight,
Outshine Yourself,
Wake the WOW!
A 12-Month Program by
Fitness Expert MARIA GRACIA
Monthly Exclusive Exercise
and Dance Fitness Videos
50 Exercise/Dance Videos + Bonus
Guest Videos Every Month
I personally choreographed fifty, exclusive
fitness videos not seen anywhere on the
web but in this program. I’ve included a
good mix of dance fitness, and other
exercises, all choreographed
to music. They’re easy,
fun…and you can do them
over and over in the
comfort of your own
home. You can also do
them at your own pace.
You’ll also get free Bonus
Guest Videos too.
Getting Started
My quick and easy introduction to
always looking and feeling your
very best. This is where you
will find my Welcome Letter,
your GON GLOWTM Food
and Fitness Plan and your
Log sheet to keep track of
your weight loss progress.
GON GLOW is my
12-Month Weight Loss
& Fitness Program
Get Thin & Healthy the
Fun, Safe and Easy Way
with Fitness Expert, Maria Gracia
You’re Protected
by My Risk-Free,
60-Day Money-
Back Guarantee!
If for any reason you feel
my I’m Finally Organized! Toolkit isn’t for
you, just send me an email within the next
60 days, and I’ll issue you an immediate,
no questions asked, refund.
You have absolutely NO Risk!
Instant Digital Download!
All materials are DIGITAL
and will be sent to you
You will save money on shipping
costs, save the planet,
everything in the program is in
full color — and you won’t build
How Much Would it
Cost to Get Fit
and Lose Weight
On Your Own?
Gym Membership:
$30mo / $360yr
Pers. Trainer @ Gym:
$45 per ses
Pers. Trainer @ Home:
$75 per ses
$50 – $150 per ses
Bottom Line — It can be very expensive
— and you usually have no guarantees.
Check Out Everything That You Get
With Our GON GLOW 12-Month
Weight Loss & Fitness Program
Getting Started Guide & Welcome Module
Weigh-In Log & Exclusive Food and
Fitness Plan
Monthly Action Bulletins (24 issues)
Monthly Exclusive Exercise and Dance
Fitness Videos (50 Exclusive Videos
Plus, Bonus Guest Videos)
Monthly Delicious, Quick & Easy Recipes
(170+ Recipes)
Monthly ToDos, Affirmations & Motivation
(24 Issues)
Daily Private Community Support
In a Minute (Several times a week)
BONUS 1: 50 Low-Calorie Snack Recipes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BONUS 2: Small Tweaks for
BIG Weight Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BONUS 3: Get Healthy on a Budget . . .
BONUS 4: Feel Amazing Every Day . . .
BONUS 5: Exercise in Disguise. . . . . . .
ONLY: $37
Get Everything Today
For Only:
What our Raving Fans
Have to Say About
My “GON GLOW” Resource
Exclusive Food & Fitness Plan
I hate food restrictions or
killer exercise plans…
there aren’t any in GON
My plan is simple, easy to
apply, and effective.
Monthly Action Bulletins
1 Action Bulletin + 1 Bonus Action
Bulletin = 24 Total Action Bulletins
Each Monthly Action Bulletin
is filled to the brim with
health and wellness
information, like weight
loss, curbing cravings,
toning up, eating
strategies, tips for dining
out, meal planning, hair,
skin and beauty tips, and so much more.
It also includes 3 easy actions to focus on
each month.
Delicious Monthly Recipes
1 Recipe Issue (5-8 Recipes) each
month + 1 Bonus Recipe Issue (5-8
Recipes) each month = 24 Recipe Issues
(170+ Recipes Total!)
No crazy ingredients,
all delicious and you
can whip up each in
no time. These are
recipes I make for
my family all the
Monthly Affirmations &
1 Motivation/Affirmation
Issue each month + 1
Issue each month = 24
Issues (Total)
Monthly TO DOs,
Affirmations, and Motivation
to keep you inspired and to
encourage you to keep going.
Daily Private Community
You don’t have to go at it alone. I’ll be here
for you every step of the way…as well as
other folks just like you, via our wonderful
community support group…anyone who is
a GLOWTM member is invited!
GON GLOWTM In a Minute
(Several times a week.)
Because having a
personal coach and
mentor who is THERE
FOR YOU is so
important, I will be
providing you with
insights, tips, snack
ideas, fitness tips, and
more, several times a week…and you’ll
have the opportunity to comment, add
questions, and even share your own
challenges and successes!
5 GON GLOWTM Bonuses
I’m including five valuable bonuses to
help you get and stay on track to your
fitness and weight goals.
I learned how to eat to stay
healthy and lose weight
I learned a great deal about what it means
to eat healthy.
We all know how bad fast food and junk
foods are, but healthy eating goes way
beyond those basics.
I learned how bad refined sugar and
chemicals can be for our health. I’ve come
to understand that healthy foods generally
means ‘real’ foods, not processed, factory
made foods.
Now, don’t get me wrong. That doesn’t
mean I ‘never’ eat a cookie or rich
desserts. From time to time I do, but I
don’t eat them every day.
I learned to choose delicious, healthy,
easy-to-prepare foods that didn’t pack on
the pounds! And I can show you how to do
that too.
“I enjoy eating the foods I like to eat.
If I don’t like it — I won’t eat it”
Who Am I and Why Should You
Listen to Me About
Losing Weight and Getting Fit?
I’ve been a recognized
organizing expert for
the past 25 years.
Now I’m applying my
organizing knowledge
and skills to losing
weight and getting fit
— and it works!
What Would it Mean to You
to FINALLY Reach Your
Fitness and Weight Loss Goals
is NOT a Diet Program.
It is a permanent, healthy
lifestyle program designed
to help you Get Healthy,
Lose Weight, Outshine Yourself
and Wake the WOW!
It’s a 12-Month Weight Loss
& Fitness Program
with Maria Gracia
Here’s the Help You Need to
Become Healthier, Thinner
& Happier This Year
12-Month Weight
Loss & Fitness
Why is it so difficult to
lose weight and keep it off?
Here are just a few of the many
Fast Food: Fast Food is often FAT
FOOD. Once in a while isn’t too bad,
but a steady diet of fast food and junk
foods is a sure path to weight gain. In
my GON GLOWTM program I will show
you how to eat healthy and delicious
foods that are inexpensive and easy
to prepare.
Salt, Fat and Sugar: Many of us,
crave salt, fat and sugar. Food
manufacturers know that we love salt,
fat and sugar, and so they pour huge
amounts of them into everything they
want us to buy. Most of the aisles at
the supermarket are filled with
processed foods made primarily from
salt, fat and sugar.
The Sugar Epidemic: Sugar needs
its own category. Nutritionists have
been warning us about the dangers of
sugar for decades. And yet, it’s in
everything we crave.
100 years ago the average person
consumed just a little more than 7 lbs
of sugar per year. Today the average
American consumes an incredible
170 lbs of sugar per year! Good
Grief. And if it’s not used for
immediate energy it is then converted
into…fat. In GON GLOWTM I’ll show
you how to enjoy your meals and
snacks without overdosing on sugar.
Processed Grains: Processed grains
have been pulverized into a powdery
consistency where all of the healthful
fiber and vitamins have been
removed. White breads, cookies,
crackers, and other snack
foods/cereals are made from
processed grains. Processed grains
turn almost instantly into sugar in our
stomachs and what isn’t used
immediately for energy is converted
into fat.
Lots of Misinformation: One month
we are told A is bad for you and then
next month we are told that A is now
good for you. It’s enough to make
your head spin.
What you need is someone who can
guide you in choosing foods that will
help you lose weight–eat more of
those–and which foods to eat
sparingly. That’s exactly what I do in
my GON GLOWTM weight loss
Fad Diets: Fad diets come and go.
Unfortunately, quick and easy fixes
rarely work in the long term. You need
an intelligent, healthy, lifestyle solution
that works for the rest of your life.
That’s why I created my GON
GLOWTM Weight Loss & Fitness
Sedentary Lifestyle: Perhaps we
have an office job where we sit before
a computer all day. At the end of the
day, we may be mentally and
physically exhausted . . . so we flip on
the TV and settle into the sofa for the
evening. To maintain our fitness and
weight goals, in addition to eating
right, we also need to move more.
That’s where my GON GLOWTM
workout videos come into play.
Lack of Motivation: Many people
sign up for the gym at the beginning of
the year and within a few months they
rarely go, or stop entirely.
I’ve made a point in my GON GLOWTM
program to ensure that doesn’t
happen to you. I do everything I can
to keep you up and motivated to
continue on your positive journey to a
healthier, thinner, happier you!
I’m Here to Support and
Guide You on
Your Journey to a New, Healthier,
Thinner, Happier You!
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Copyright 2024 – Maria Gracia – Get Organized Now!™